Author Topic: The E-Book Files  (Read 193787 times)

Offline louisev

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #120 on: October 16, 2009, 12:04:51 am »
For anyone who is new to the e-book platform and who has been interested in the Greenlea Tales, I have *pdf and mobi versions of all of them, just let me know which if any you want.  I haven't got them in final "published' form but the drafts as they appear on Livejournal are all there, from volume 1 of Taking Chances through Agents of the Law.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

Offline NavyVet

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #121 on: October 25, 2009, 09:56:30 pm »
I'm back from my mini-vacation - it was a nice trip.
My Astak EZ Reader Pocket Pro arrived via FedX on Saturday, 2 days before I left.  I was so surprised that it was delivered on a Saturday!
It came with a lovely leather case, USB cable and AC adapter, ear buds, manual, wrist strap, and an SD card with 300 free books on it. Wow!
After charging it and reading the manual, I transferred some stories and mp3 music files from my laptop via the USB.  No problem there.
I took it with me on my trip and used it every chance I got.  It wasn't too hard to figure out how to navigate. 
It displayed my pdf, doc, and rtf files really well.  It has 3 settings to adjust size of the text.  The fiction I'm currently reading is in html and even on the largest zoom, the print is kind of small, but I'm managing.  The mp3s played fine though the earbuds.  I was pleasantly surprised at how good it sounded.  Haven't figured out yet if it's possible to listen to music and read at the same time.  Have to play with it some more.
I love the way that when you turn it off and come back later, it pulls up the page you left off on.  It's very comfortable and light to hold in one hand.
Comes in 6 colors - I got the purple one!
For anyone who needs the text to speech feature, this is not the e-reader for you.  The pronunciation is SO bad that it is impossible to understand - comes out as total gibberish.  So, that feature is useless - the only real negative I've found, so far.  I will see how long the battery lasts between charges.
Overall I really like my EZ Reader.  It supports so many formats and I keep all my files on my laptop's hard drive anyway, so I don't feel a need for wireless downloading.  Check it out here:

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Offline NavyVet

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #122 on: October 25, 2009, 10:12:43 pm »
For anyone who is new to the e-book platform and who has been interested in the Greenlea Tales, I have *pdf and mobi versions of all of them, just let me know which if any you want.  I haven't got them in final "published' form but the drafts as they appear on Livejournal are all there, from volume 1 of Taking Chances through Agents of the Law.

Louise, I would LOVE a pdf version of the Greenlea Tales.  I really would like to read the entire series when I get a chance.
You are made of awesome!
"Brokeback Mountain:  Where slash is canon!"

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #123 on: October 26, 2009, 01:01:51 am »
Louise, I would LOVE a pdf version of the Greenlea Tales.  I really would like to read the entire series when I get a chance.
You are made of awesome!

If you send me a PM with the address to send to - you can get the current draft levels of all of them, and more if you like! I have other novels I have written as well.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #124 on: January 22, 2010, 07:57:05 pm »
On my way home from work today, I had my first sighting of an Amazon Kindle.  ;D

Somebody was using one to read on the subway, and I was close enough that I could see the logo on the device, so it really was a Kindle.  ;D

I could immediately see the attraction of it for travel, or reading in bed, because of its slimness and lack of bulk. I'm not sure I'd be happy reading on that gray screen, though.
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

Offline robin

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2010, 07:48:06 am »
I bought a Kindle a few months ago and I have to say, I love this little gadget. For those who aren't familiar, the Kindle is an ebook reader put out by You can read more about it here:

One great thing about the Kindle is that it has me reading again, reading like I used to in the old days. I take it with me everywhere and when I have a spare second, I flip it on. Whether I am reading the New York Times (I have a daily subscription) or a book, it's right there, in my hand. It's great.

I decided to start this thread to share some of the good stuff I have been reading. Louise has a Kindle, too, so hopefully she'll share some of her favorites. And if others have great ebooks to recommend, please join in!

Now, while I have a Kindle and that is how I have been reading, there are other readers out there. People also read ebooks on their PDAs, Smartphones and other portable devices. The new 3G iPhone will has a reader available. So, if you are interested in these books, you are not limited to a Kindle.

And if you don't own any of these devices, you can read on your PC. Many of these books are available in PDF format (for which you need Acrobat Reader; it's free:

Another option is to get books in Mobipocket format; to read those, you need the Mobipocket reader for your PC (also free:

I know alot of readers on this board are used to LiveJournal stories, so ebooks really aren't any different. So, please join in with your recommendations and reviews. I look forward to a lively discussion!


I do love my Kindle! VERY convenient, I take mine everywhere. I still miss the feel of a book in my hands, the sensual feel of the pages, the scent of old paper; but it is so light and easy to transport. I highly recommend it to all my friends that read. It is particularly pleasant to have when dining alone. When I travel, which is too often these days, I find that dining alone encourages 'sympathetic' strangers to attempt to rescue me from my solitude. Pulling out my Kindle and immersing myself in a good book helps me maintain my temper.