Author Topic: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic  (Read 38312 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 04:22:47 am »
Scratching my head...what does Gov. Palin got to do with Fred Phelps Church (of Kansas, not Alaska, BTW).

Or a series of photos of mushroom clouds. That middle one looks like the University of Texas Longhorns logo was photoshopped in there (by a disgruntled A'n'M fan).

So the lady goes moose hunting and has a huge snow crab on her coffee table.  Brace yourselves for this, but there are a few gay men around here who have been known to 1) go hunting 2)eat crab and 3).....hold NRA memeberships. If anything, she seems a lot more feminist than Michelle Obama, who when you get down to it, more or less gave up her career an s stay home with the kiddies while her husband pursued his dream (and so she gave up hers, whatever that might of been, though I doubt it was to be First Lady).

If you don't like what I say then you need not enter my private blog anymore.

Thank you for visiting but I have every right to express my opinions within my own private blog. Sarah Palin is homophobic. So is the Westboro Baptist Church. Connect the dots for yourself.  ::)

And she murders innocent animals.  >:(  >:(
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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 02:10:55 pm »
but what about the GOOD things that have happened in this country lately, David?

Can we agree that George Bush is pretty durn bad? and the Congress has BEEN Republican...BUT! California has gay marriage. In Texas a gay man was murdered and the townspeople rallied around his partner. Everywhere you look people are waking up, that won't stop. More and more companies are offering domestic partnerships to their employees.

That has happened while Bush was in office with a Republican Congress. McCain is not Bush, he has shown he will go against his own party to work with Democrats.

Democrats have control of Congress and it is projected they will have a non filibusterable majority....THEY pass the laws...all McCain can do is veto them. and if they are really important bills the Congress can pass them WITHOUT his signature.

Congress approves even if he DOES offer an extreme judge for the Supreme Court, Congress can block him.

Please don't believe the hype about us being a mean horrible country. We have problems but the best thing about us is we ARE working on them!

Offline brokeplex

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 08:32:18 pm »
oh come on, do we really need to go down this road?


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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 09:14:13 pm »
Scratching my head...what does Gov. Palin got to do with Fred Phelps Church (of Kansas, not Alaska, BTW).

Or a series of photos of mushroom clouds. That middle one looks like the University of Texas Longhorns logo was photoshopped in there (by a disgruntled A'n'M fan).

So the lady goes moose hunting and has a huge snow crab on her coffee table.  Brace yourselves for this, but there are a few gay men around here who have been known to 1) go hunting 2)eat crab and 3).....hold NRA memeberships. If anything, she seems a lot more feminist than Michelle Obama, who when you get down to it, more or less gave up her career an s stay home with the kiddies while her husband pursued his dream (and so she gave up hers, whatever that might of been, though I doubt it was to be First Lady).

I respect Davids view on hunting, although my own family hunts. He stands up for his principle there in the face of some pretty stiff opposition in real life. So I support his opposition to Sarah on that point. I appreciate that he has concrete and clear reasons (not ginned up 'issues') to oppose her.

that is to be respected.

He is also gracious enough to accept my friendship although we are at odds on this issue. We agree to disagree. I just don't like to see him so upset.

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2008, 09:34:28 pm »
I respect Davids view on hunting, although my own family hunts. He stands up for his principle there in the face of some pretty stiff opposition in real life. So I support his opposition to Sarah on that point. I appreciate that he has concrete and clear reasons (not ginned up 'issues') to oppose her.

that is to be respected.

He is also gracious enough to accept my friendship although we are at odds on this issue. We agree to disagree. I just don't like to see him so upset.

I WUV MY JESS!! :-* :-*


It IS possible to disagree and still be friends and care about each other. :)

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 09:54:26 pm »

I WUV MY JESS!! :-* :-*


It IS possible to disagree and still be friends and care about each other. :)

yes it is. I am trying to limit my interactions in the political forum some because I don't like how I feel when I am in there. I get too caught up and say things in black and white that actually are very grey.

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2008, 01:18:03 am »
yes it is. I am trying to limit my interactions in the political forum some because I don't like how I feel when I am in there. I get too caught up and say things in black and white that actually are very grey.

One thing you must understand. My family is extremely conservative. Typical Midwestern mentality. My Dad is conservative. My sister is conservative. Her two children (now grown) are conservative. My brother-in-law is conservative. My aunts, uncles and cousins are conservative. My Mother and I were the two liberals in the family, and Mom is now dead and gone.

My family is also either indifferent or against gay rights. You'd think they would be a little more open minded about it since they have a gay person in their family. But no. Many in my family are adamantly against it. Not just gay marriage, but gay rights in general.

I don't know. I suppose this is one of the reasons I get so up and arms about this sometimes. And I can't bear the thought of this country reversing what little progress has been made over the years.

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2008, 01:19:35 am »
I think I understand...and we won't LET them turn back the clock! remember CONGRESS makes the laws. and state governments....


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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2008, 01:23:38 am »
My family isnt' political at all. They just don't talk about anything. But they are strongly religious (when it suits them and they can beat someone over the head with it) so I do understand being different from the rest of the family. Kinda leaves you feeling lost and drifting...

Offline viper

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Re: Sarah Palin- John McCain's Pick For VP - Is Homophobic
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2008, 01:28:43 am »
Wow, I gravitated towards this thread, as I was on your blog, and have to reply <sigh>

I'm actually thinking very positively about this VP choice.  You see, imo, McCain has made a grave error, and he will pay for it.  He's just alienated so many women, minorities, gun haters, etc.

I think Pallin (sp?) is a great choice!  She's so unknown, inexperienced, anti-everything, even to the point of forcing women to go through pregnancies of incest and rape, so anti-science, et cetera, she's going to turn off many, many people.  Just because she's a woman doesn't mean all of us women will vote for this "beauty queen"!  ACK.

Btw, I have to also add, I'm from a farm/ranch family, and we do hunt, but for use of meat, and I have very strong ideas about what kinds of guns should be allowed in this country.
