So, how are U two doing in your fish odyssey? I imagine you're eating raw sea urchin by now!
Who? Me and Melissa?
I remember my Dutch grandfather telling me that Dutch people love to eat fish. And like a good Dutchman, Grandpa ate fish all the time. He especially loved
gerookte paling (smoked eel on toast),
nieuwe haring (salted herring) which he ate by holding the fish by its tail and dropping it in his mouth,
haringsla (salted herring salad) and
stokvisschotel (stockfish stew).
Did I spell those correctly, Melissa?
I must not be a very good Dutchman though because I don't like fish at all. My ex boyfriend and I worked up the nerve a few months ago to try fish tacos, and I thought they tasted pretty good until I was told we didn't make them correctly and I haven't tried them since.
I certainly can't speak for Melissa, but she has assured me several times that she does not like fish either. So, I doubt she has tried a fish taco, and I would bet the king's ransom she has yet to sit down to an "urchin dinner".
So, I think both Melissa and I have failed miserably with our fish odyssey, Front Ranger.