omigawd, these are hilarious!
verklempt = one of those asthma spells or overcome with incendiary rage
babka = cherry cake
shpilkis in the genechtagazoink = gut cramps
shayna punim = good looking (little gal over in Riverton)
bubkes = I'm nothing, I'm nowhere
nebish = Bobby
nosh = we gotta do somethin' about this food situation
facacta = you're a real thinker there
meshugina = you ever get the they all know?
pupik = below Cassie's tube top
shmendrick = Aguirre
shmatas = Alma's wardrobe
shtik = Jack's mock-rodeo-mating dance
kvel = how Ennis loves his little girls
mazel tov/ l'chaim = To Alma and Curt
These are sublime, all of them!
klutz = why Ennis couldn't get a job down at the power company
luftmensch = why Jack's ideas never come to pass
mach schnel = don't want to get caught with no elk
nebbish = it's cause a you Jack, I'm like this
noodge = just thinkin out loud
schmaltz = what Annie Proulx has an
horreur of
shanda = Two men livin together? No way.
shiksa = Sure do. That's Lureen Newsome.
schlemiel = As in, "Just tryin' to get a foot rub, schlemiel."
schmooz = We may not be sorority sisters, but...
schtup = no instruction manual needed
tsuris = a GDBOAUS
tuches = where Ennis and Jack liked to schtup
zaftig = Cassie Cartwright