%% As Jacks' Zipper, I wonder if I should make straining noises whenever he gets an erection? Nah! He's 19 yrs old. That would be every 10 minutes! %%
** Mr. Raymille? Could you have your assistant make some hasty arrangements for a meeting between JACK'S PANTS and JACK'S ZIPPER? JACK'S ZIPPER will have to make some most
emphatic changes in his 'inner monologue' for the PANTS/ZIPPER scenes, primarily because..
JACK'S PANTS have a button-fly front! Ennis, on the other hand...um...
does have a zipper (according to the concensus on another thread in Bettermost!). So...if JACK'S ZIPPER would like to take on the role of JACK'S BUTTON-FLY..... he needs to start rehearsing with PANTS
very closely. As JACK'S PANTS and JACK'S BUTTON-FLY, straining together and silently, yet swiftly, unbuttoning and buttoning is just part of our job. So save your 'zippery sounds' for the
OTHER pair of pants, cowboy.


%% Every 10 F'in minutes? Now, that's what *I'm* talkin' about.... wait... what AM I talkin' about?! Ten SECONDS is more like it, what with all this .30-30 Tutorial goin' on... and then they go an eat
bananas like they was a coupla strippers named 'Ennistasia' and 'Jackie-Big-OH'... they never went up there to hunt! (No huntin' goin' on, but guns goin' off just the same....good thing I AM nice and absorbant.
