So, I've seen 'Milk.'
First, I must say, the actors are first rate. Sean Penn is wonderful, James Franco is a love.
The movie, well--Van Sant did manage to transmit a great deal of information and package it into 128 minutes. But--as retopian said, 'Milk' is prose, not poetry.
But--as retopian ALSO said--one hopes the movie will reach a wide audience.
Well, good. We need it. It may not be a great film, but it is a good film, a worthy film.
Next to last: the most evocative (and scary) character was not Josh Brolin as Dan White, but the real-life Anita Bryant in full-color documentary footage. Attractive, charasmatic, talented--and utterly dangerous. Van Sant was wonderful, at least, in cleverly using the important footage, and inserting it at the right points. Good job!
Finally: the last image, just before the final credits, the silent, laughing Harvey Milk, himself. It was then tears sprung out from my eyes.
We are all in his debt--straight and gay.