Tell you what, FRiend Lee, this post raises issues that are much on my mind these days. Is it better to eat breakfast when you get up in the morning, before you go to work, because they say you should always eat breakfast, or is it better to wait to eat until you are actually hungry?
I think if you are used to eating breakfast before leaving for work, then you shouldn't change things abruptly, because you might get lightheaded while driving or on the job. Me, I leave for work at 6:15 in the morning and I have no interest in eating at that time! So I just stash my breakfast and take it out when/if I get hungry.
And how do you manage waiting till you are actually hungry, if you are stuck in your office, or otherwise on the job, when you actually do get hungry? How can you manage eating better--healthy--for breakfast if you don't eat until you are on the job? By better I mean avoiding intake of too many carbs, too much fat, and too much sodium? 
If I'm about to go into a meeting and I haven't eaten anything, I will nibble on something anyway, to avoid those loud, embarassing stomach rumblings. Otherwise, I just take a break in my office or go to the cafeteria in the basement or a picnic table outside if it's nice. Sometimes I even call meetings there. Eating a healthy breakfast is hard no matter where you are. I keep a carton of instant grits in the break room. It can be microwaved in a coffee cup. I also bring leftovers from the previous night's dinner and heat them up for breakfast. Breakfast sandwiches and burritos are easy to eat at your desk. So are yogurt and fruit like apples, oranges, pears, clementines, grapes, bananas, and berries. I avoid doughnuts, muffins, pancakes, and waffles. Too much fat, calories, carbs, and sugar. English muffins are better than bagels IMO. Ham, turkey bacon and Canadian bacon are better than sausage or that sugar-laced bacon.