Well golleee, that does look like a Wonder Bread wrapper. Well, hunh.
Here' my Wonder Bread story - also one I don't think they want: When I was a child, there were lots of Wonder Bread commercials on TV, and they talked about "building strong bodies 12 ways." And there would often be a cool time lapse-esque film of a little white girl or boy growing, growing, growing to be a teenage basket ball player or cheerleader.
I always enjoyed those commercials, and ate my squishy Wonder Bread sandwiches with gusto. But then, as I got older, I learned the truth about white bread in general, and how poor-quality it is, nutritionally. And I was appalled - but the commercial made it sound like it was ESSENTIAL for good health. It was my first lesson about lying in advertising. Of course I now know dozens, hundreds, what feels like millions of examples of lies being told publically. But that was the first, and it hurt. Tarnished my view of the world, you know?