I agree. But you have to give that time (generations) to develop and change. We all know what the traditional woman looks like, and to a large extent we have had to get folks to understand that there is much more that women have to offer. I think some significant progress has been made culturally in this area. Now we have the GGW type of woman introducing us to a new angle as we continue to try to figure women out.
The extent to which GGW reflects poorly on all women is going vary from person to person. Personally, I can't tell just by looking at a woman if she is a slut or not. Moreover, I mostly don't care. But what worries me is what young men think of women as a result of this raunch culture?? Does it re-set thier expectations of the young women that come into their lives? read below for more thoughts on this.
Raunch culture has been with human civilization ever since there has been civilization. Straight men find women attractive and anything that enhances that attraction as men see it can be seen as even more sexual.
What turns sexy into raunchy? Abrahamic religions in the West and patriarchal cultures the world over. Men had to control their women's sexuality to make sure they were raising their own children, so they had to start differentiating between women whose sexuality could be controlled and those that couldn't. This was done by raising the social opinion of controllable women and lowering the social opinion of uncontrollable women.
So now women that exuded an enhanced sexuality/sexual appearance, was uncontrolled by men was seen as cheap and trashy.
It doesn't matter what women do, men will always sexualize them.
Look at history. When women wore yards of cloth, from neck to ground sweeping skirts, what was sexy and oooh - cheap and trashy? A woman showing her ankle. When hems went up a little - ooh - ankle high - what was daring and risque? A woman wearing trousers, outlining the fact that they had legs. Those little sluts.
Fuck, look at Islamic culture today. I don't have the link, but in a recent article, in a Muslim country, where the traditional garb for women is a tent with only her eyes showing, one cleric recently went on record as saying the two eyes of women looking out from their tents was tooooooooooo racy and marked them as whores of Babylon (you get the idea - it's the women's fault they have two expressive eyes) so he suggested they only be allowed one eyehole. You see in countries like the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, even two naked eyes showing out from a tent was too much for the poor tempted men to resist, so those women wore their bourkas with screens over the eye slit, so you can't even see these women's eyes.
Men sexualize women's bodies. You've read studies on how often men think of sex. There's no escaping it. And in a culture that separates women into virgins and whores, raunch will always exist.
That's where I disagree. We don't have to take the bad. We should be working to mitigate it. Part of the bad is a culture where teenage boys and girls have decided that oral sex isn't really sex. Part of the bad is girls who have gotten the message that all boys want from them is sex.
Please point out to me a father who thinks his son staying a virgin until marriage is a good idea and that he enforces this by keeping his son in the home, carefully watching where his son goes and who he is dating, does not encourage his independence and tells him to stay away from 'rough crowds' and to wait for the "right girl", someone who cares for him and marriage.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find such a father. Men take pride in their sons becoming independent men, and if that includes sexual exploration, I know few men who think that a bad thing. They only think it bad if no birth control was used.
And society supports young men becoming independent and growing into manhood. Rites of passage can include getting drunk and having sex (not that these are mutually exclusive).
So what you have are generations of young men growing up who have little to no social or personal brakes put on their sexual exploration. Hence, when puberty hits, horny teenage boys want sex, and are not told this is wrong or bad or that they shouldn't pursue sexual satisfaction and girls know this or find this out pretty quick.
Part of the bad is female school teachers who rape their male students. Part of the bad is illegitimacy.
There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents.
My youngest niece ended up pregnant at 16 by a boy landed in jail well before the baby was born, and saw nothing wrong with any of it. Her examples--according to my sister--were her friends at school. Most of them had already been pregnant, and some kept the babies. My niece was the last one in her circle of friends who remained chaste. But that kind of peer pressure finally weakened her. She needed to fit in, so she had sex. When she discovered she was pregnant, she fit right in with the rest of the girls.
I don't see how the bad justifies the good.
It doesn't. It's just going to exist no matter what we do. Please explain what anyone could have done to keep your 16 year old niece from having unprotected sex - and bad taste in partners? You know teenagers. Forbid them to do something and they are suddenly Romeo and Juliet being oppressed by their parents. What are you going to do? Lock her up until she's 18? Put her in a convent? What could have prevented this was birth control. Then you would have just had a niece who lost her virginity at 16 instead of pregnant niece. But sex education and the will to use birth control has to be taught and emphasized. I do not know what your niece was taught or knew.
A friend of mine one time said that these teenaged pregnancies had to be stopped. And I agreed completely. But before he could open his mouth and say what I knew he was going to - reinstate the culture of shame and make pregnant girls pariahs in their own homes and neighborhoods and schools; to force them from schools and make them go into special "homes" so they don't embarrass their families - I asked - rhetorically it seemed since he never answered - "Yeah, so what are we going to do to make teenage boys keep their dicks in their pants?"
He had no answer to that.