Author Topic: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?  (Read 486609 times)

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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #200 on: April 11, 2007, 11:45:26 am »
Thanks Ryan!

You say this:
  I guess when you've had "the best" you get picky about the rest!

Maybe Ennis says Jack, I swear... you are the best!!
Yes, maybe Ennis means Jack you are the best!!

You might be on to something there Ryan?? !!



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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #201 on: April 11, 2007, 12:20:44 pm »
Annie does a wonderful thing, story!! Did she write those words in her story: Jack, I swear...??
Oh yes...this line comes very near the end of Annie's original story, though the story doesn't quite end at this point, like the movie does. The last lines of the story are actually Ennis's inner reflection that "if you can't fix it, you've got to stand it" (quote paraphrased from memory).

I'd highly recommend reading the original story, if you have not yet done so. The movie does a superlative job of translating Annie's vision onto the screen--one of the best film adaptations of a written work ever. And look for a copy with the italicized prologue...included in all printings subsequent to to the original publication in the October 13, 1997 issue of The New Yorker, where this important segment was omitted due to editorial oversight.

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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #202 on: April 11, 2007, 12:26:46 pm »
Thanks moremojo!

I will check my copy.


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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #203 on: April 11, 2007, 02:28:22 pm »
Scott, you got that quote exactly right xcept you put in a comma whereas Annie did not. Excellent memory! It's interesting and haunting to me that Annie Proulx says that Ennis swore to Jack even though Jack had never asked him to and was not the swearing kind. How sad that Ennis's oath to Jack comes too late, and what a lesson for all of us. First, that we must identify and express our deepest emotions, and secondly that we must ASK for that from our beloved.

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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #204 on: April 11, 2007, 09:22:55 pm »
Interesting Front-Ranger!!

You say this in part:
How sad that Ennis's oath to Jack comes too late, and what a lesson for all of us. First, that we must identify and express our deepest emotions, and secondly that we must ASK for that from our beloved.

I am wondering now since Ennis is saying  Jack, I swear... if this is an oath, could that be like a mariage oath??

Awaiting  reply from you and from all,



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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #205 on: April 12, 2007, 09:24:28 am »
I am wondering now since Ennis is saying  Jack, I swear... if this is an oath, could that be like a mariage oath??
Some have certainly interpreted it as such, and this is bolstered by the fact that, in the film, the line comes right after Junior's visit and news about her impending marriage. Others see the line as affirming Ennis's undying devotion to Jack, whether or not his feelings consciously incorporate notions of marriage.

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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #206 on: April 12, 2007, 10:11:58 am »
Thanks moremojo! If Jack, I swear... as said by Ennis like a mariage oath, than Ennis also means Jack is his only man he loves!! ?? Will ever love maybe??

What do you think, and all ??


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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #207 on: April 12, 2007, 11:11:31 am »
I just got an epiphany...

What if "Jack I swear..." meant, I swear to stand it (since he couldn't fix it).


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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #208 on: April 12, 2007, 02:28:09 pm »
I just got an epiphany...

What if "Jack I swear..." meant, I swear to stand it (since he couldn't fix it).


yes, I think that is exactly right. Ennis, to me, is stating that he will prevail, go on, continue forever to be Jack's man, to never forget, to hold Jack near to his heart, to honor their love and relationship....all in spite of his humble life of solitude in a trailer. He will "stand it" because, as such, he is giving himself to Jack and Jack's memory. this is not an uncommon emotion; people feel they want to or need to carry a load for a loved one, and their own coping capabilities to "stand it" add to their own sense of doing the right thing. it is a bit of the martyr syndrome, but in Ennis' case, I truly believe he is simply extending his 20 year long feelings for Jack and like so many human conditions, the words had not left his lips before, but they were always in his heart.

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Re: "Jack, I swear..." What do you think Ennis meant by that?
« Reply #209 on: April 12, 2007, 10:00:30 pm »
That is so beautiful and true, Herr!

I was listening to an interview with the late and great Kurt Vonnegut tonite and he talked about how Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist of Slaughterhouse Five, suffered from Survivor's Syndrome, or being ashamed of being alive. I thought maybe Ennis suffered from that too.
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