Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 934410 times)

Offline tomtrueman

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #260 on: June 24, 2006, 09:03:22 pm »
This is tomtrueman here.  I've just joined, and haven't had time to explore the site and how it works yet, so I hope I'm not speaking out of turn.  I'll have more time to learn how it all works when I start my holidays in a week, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone, especially to my friends and other refugees from the IMDb.

Speaking of which -- the last straw arrived about ten minutes ago when I was answering an on-topic message and got a message saying the entire thread had just been deleted.  I posted a message saying "That does it, I'm outta here"  and WITHIN A MINUTE  an administrator had deleted that!  Why weren't they ever that fast with all the ignoramuses who hadn't even seen the movie but who wanted to tell us what God thinks and wants?  (As if they knew!)

ANYWAY, that board is dead to me, and I'm looking forward to getting to know this site and its regulars, when I have a bit more time. 

Offline dly64

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #261 on: June 24, 2006, 09:12:54 pm »
This is tomtrueman here.  I've just joined, and haven't had time to explore the site and how it works yet, so I hope I'm not speaking out of turn.  I'll have more time to learn how it all works when I start my holidays in a week, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone, especially to my friends and other refugees from the IMDb.

Tomtrueman!! Greetings! I have migrated over here as well (it was one of your posts on IMDb that let me know about the site. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!  ::))

I think you will love it here. It is like a Brokie heaven. I was getting frustrated with IMDb, too. They went on this huge deleting frenzy. So, a bunch of us came over here. (I am sure you will recognize many names).

Anyway, good to "see" you. Will talk soon! :D

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Offline ironbark

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #262 on: June 25, 2006, 12:19:03 am »
Hello tomtrueman, even tho we havnt seen eye to eye in the past, its still nice to see dedicated brokies coming on over here. I have not long been here also, but i welcome you all the same. Hope you have nice hols.
Look forward to maybe not so many disagreeable Take care.x
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Offline Lynne

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #263 on: June 25, 2006, 12:27:03 am »
Welcome ironbark!  I saw you pop into chat, but you left before I could get a 'welcome' in edgewise.  Nice to have you here...Enjoy!
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Offline ironbark

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #264 on: June 25, 2006, 01:06:33 am »
Thankyou Lynne, I didnt stay for long in chat room sorry. Look forward to seeing more of you .x chris.
"Lori darlin', i swear, You look as fresh as the morn'n"

Offline David In Indy

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #265 on: June 26, 2006, 12:02:07 am »
This is tomtrueman here.  I've just joined, and haven't had time to explore the site and how it works yet, so I hope I'm not speaking out of turn.  I'll have more time to learn how it all works when I start my holidays in a week, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone, especially to my friends and other refugees from the IMDb.

Hi Tomtrueman! Welcome To Bettermost! I'm really happy you decided to join! I always did enjoy reading your posts on IMDb and I'm sure everyone will appreciate your insight on this forum too!  :)
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Offline Samrim

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #266 on: June 27, 2006, 04:53:58 pm »
Hello everyone, I live in Northern England, an area south of the River Humber, called North Lincolnshire. I've been here all my sixty-seven years, with a handful of new addresses along the way. I'm a gay man, not officially 'out', and certainly not to my family. It does seem very likely from my appearance and single state, that most people will have 'got my number' by now. I live as 'straight' a life as I can, and have not attempted serious action for many years now. I was never comfortable with serious involvement in the gay world, probably because I never learned to be at ease with my nature! ::) I was probably 27 years old before I consciously spoke to another gay, by which time I was irrevocably set upon the lifelong solitary path that has been my life. I fell in love with a straight guy before I knew it, and lost ten years of my life before I accepted that  romantic love was not for me! I have been virtually 'closed down' emotionally for many years, and it's only ole Brokeback which has reawakened me (bit like the sleeping beauty, but substitute a frog!). I count myself solitary but not lonely; if I am lonely it's an old friend that I'm comfortable with, and given my age I've no reason or wish to change. What is different these last months since I first saw the film, is that I really do know now what I've missed, and it’s a turning knife, that will be with me to the end of the road. Love such as that shared by our boys, is so sublime, that it makes it hard to discount divinity, it really does. Not the bible bashing variety, but the all encompassing love that created everything, and which I’ve read somewhere described as ‘God in Nature'.

I could and probably will write much more later, but I've no wish to alienate you good people so soon, and will close with a favourite quote from Annie Proulx' magical short story, it seems to encompass the miracle of Ennis and Jack's love. I'm not sure why, perhaps you can help me to unravel the mystery eventually.

"Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives. Nothing marred it, even the knowledge that Ennis would not then embrace him face to face because he did not want to see nor feel that it was Jack he held. And maybe, he thought, they'd never got much farther than that. Let be, let be." - Brokeback Mountain - Annie Proulx

« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 03:35:36 am by Samrim »

Offline David In Indy

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #267 on: June 27, 2006, 10:15:21 pm »
Hello everyone, I live in Northern England, an area south of the River Humber, called North Lincolnshire. I've been here all my sixty-seven years, with a handful of new addresses along the way. I'm a gay man, not officially 'out', and certainly not to my family.

Hi Sam! Welcome To Bettermost! :D

I have read a few of your posts on  IMDb and I am really happy you decided to come over to Bettermost! :)

A good friend of mine is from Northern England. He is from Newcastle. A few years ago, he moved to London and I lost touch with him. His name is Alex. His parents use to run a little inn in Newcastle called The Marlborough Hotel. I am not sure if they still run it anymore. I haven't talked to Alex since he moved to London. He grew up in the hotel. I met him years ago back in the days of CompuServe. I would love to get in touch with him  again. He is a really nice guy.

Anyway, I am looking forward to everything you have to say here at Bettermost. They have a chatroom here too and you are welcome to jump in and join everyone anytime you want.  If you have any questions about anything, just ask. I am still relatively new here myself but I will try my best to answer your questions. Everyone here is very nice and helpful and you will have many friends here in no time!

Again, welcome friend! I am really glad you are here! :D
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Offline ZouBEini

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #268 on: June 28, 2006, 07:09:01 am »
Hello, I am Larz. I live in Indiana (US) and came here from IMDb at the suggestion of Littlewing1957.  I am pleased to learn of this place.

Take care and I will see y'all soon!

Offline dly64

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #269 on: June 28, 2006, 09:15:37 am »
Hello, I am Larz. I live in Indiana (US) and came here from IMDb at the suggestion of Littlewing1957.  I am pleased to learn of this place.

Take care and I will see y'all soon!

Hi Larz! Welcome. I am glad to see another Hoosier! David and I are both from the great state of IN.

I know you'll love this site. It is a lot of fun.  ;)

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