The World Beyond BetterMost > The Culture Tent

In the New Yorker...

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Jeff Wrangler:
Jesus H.!  :o

--- Quote from: serious crayons on January 29, 2009, 10:55:41 am ---OMG, no! That would be beyond awful. The New Yorker made it through the Depression!

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During the Depression, it didn't have to compete with the Internet. Nobody did.  :-\

As much as it pains me, I think I can see why if I had something to sell I'd be reluctant to spend money on an ad in The New Yorker. As a reader, I almost never look at the ads. The ads are just those columns on the outside of the pages where you hold the magazine without covering up any of the text you are reading.

Jeff Wrangler:
In the January 26 issue, the one with the cover of President Obama as the Father of His Country, I recommend Atul Gawande's article on how national health insurance came into being in other countries, and what those examples could suggest for the U.S.

Aloysius J. Gleek:

--- Quote from: serious crayons on January 29, 2009, 10:55:41 am ---OMG, no! That would be beyond awful. The New Yorker made it through the Depression!

--- End quote ---

Exactly. That's what I was thinking.

Si Newhouse has deep pockets. I hope!

I read something in the last few days--must find it--that in the future quality journalism will have to rely on philanthropy--


serious crayons:

--- Quote from: Jeff  Wrangler on January 29, 2009, 12:11:30 pm ---As much as it pains me, I think I can see why if I had something to sell I'd be reluctant to spend money on an ad in The New Yorker. As a reader, I almost never look at the ads. The ads are just those columns on the outside of the pages where you hold the magazine without covering up any of the text you are reading.
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Me neither. But then, I don't look at the ads in any magazine or newspaper or website. The only ads I pay attention to, frankly, are the ones on TV. For some reason, even the stupid ones often hold my attention.

--- Quote from: jmmgallagher on January 29, 2009, 12:14:59 pm ---
Exactly. That's what I was thinking.

Si Newhouse has deep pockets. I hope!

I read something in the last few days--must find it--that in the future quality journalism will have to rely on philanthropy--


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As a former employee of another Newhouse publication, I was thankful that as a privately held company they were not beholden to stockholders' relentless demands for profitability (unlike, say, Knight-Ridder, which was forced by stockholders to sell off all of its newspapers). I've always sensed that S.I. sees the New Yorker as a source of pride and prestige more than income. I hope.

In this week's issue, I'm reading an interesting article about tinnitus and hearing loss, from which I suffer. It's called "That Buzzing Sound."

--- Quote from: serious crayons on January 29, 2009, 12:26:06 pm ---Me neither. But then, I don't look at the ads in any magazine or newspaper or website. The only ads I pay attention to, frankly, are the ones on TV. For some reason, even the stupid ones often hold my attention.

--- End quote ---
Maybe you're one of those "kinetic learners" K!


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