I think I am about to have trouble with my subscription. Again.
I have not yet received the Feb. 13 issue, and the last issue date on my mailing label is the Feb. 6 issue. I have received nothing by either snail mail or e-mail about renewing the subscription--or whether it has automatically renewed. I usually have the next week's issue by Thursday of the preceding week.
You may recall that when I had to update my credit card information back in the fall of 2015 (because my subscription would expire in January 2016), instead of updating my information, the magazine cancelled my subscription! (Or allowed it to end. Whatever.)
I would miss the magazine, but if the same thing happens again this year, today I'm feeling just cranky enough not to want to deal with it and instead to tell
The New Yorker to shove it.
I would miss the magazine--not sure what I would read at lunch time--but I'm sure I'd get over it. I suppose I could go back to reading a newspaper.
Right now I'm reading
TNY article about the military unit in the battle to retake Mosul from ISIS.