I might actually skip that one. I already know that plastics are a menace. I don't think I need to read about it again.
I already knew it, too. I've stopped drinking sparkling mineral water bottled in plastic (now I drink La Croix in cans). I also now use a laundry detergent that comes like sheets of paper in an envelope. I take out a sheet, rip it into a few pieces and put it in the machine's detergent container. Seems to work fine.
But of course those efforts don't count for much in a world where babies are born with plastic particles in their poop.
I already knew most of the basic information but she's good at describing the enormity of the problem.
I interviewed a woman last fall who picks up plastic garbage from the ground, carries around her own metal silverware and straw for use in fast-food and fast-casual restaurants, buys only natural-fiber (second-hand) clothing. She said she called the manufacturer of her favorite chips and asked if they could stop packaging them in plastic. The company said it needs to be plastic for shipment purposes. (I guess this would be one argument in favor of Pringles, which come in a cardboard tube.)