The World Beyond BetterMost > The Culture Tent

In the New Yorker...

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Mine hasn't arrived yet but I'm reading her new book on fens and swamps.

Jeff Wrangler:

--- Quote from: Front-Ranger on July 16, 2024, 10:04:05 am ---Mine hasn't arrived yet but I'm reading her new book on fens and swamps.

--- End quote ---

Really?  Mine arrived at its usual time, sometime last week. I thought you usually got yours before I got mine--or that you accessed it online.  ???

I just noticed it's a two-week issue. The cover date shows July 8 and 15.

serious crayons:

--- Quote from: Jeff Wrangler on July 16, 2024, 01:11:40 pm ---I just noticed it's a two-week issue. The cover date shows July 8 and 15.
--- End quote ---

I think the fiction issue always is. I used to really look forward to the fiction issue. I used to read almost all the short stories in regular issues. But I hardly ever read fiction any more! I went through that NYT list of the 100 best books of the 21st century yesterday and was reminded about how many I would like to read. It lets you check whether you've read each book yet or want to. My total read was a measly 27, and that included books I'd started but not finished!

Jeff Wrangler:
I'd like to know how Annie Proulx comes up with some of the names she comes up with.

Well, shoot. It looks like I didn't receive the fiction issue. My issue came today and it has a portrait of the Supreme Court on the cover. (Funny, and sad)


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