The World Beyond BetterMost > The Culture Tent

In the New Yorker...

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I double checked and you're right. It does say phlogiston. I was looking at it in dim light and since he was talking about words, my brain decided it was "philo..." Thanks for setting this straight.

I'd be interested in what people think of the article on sleeplessness by Adam Gopnik in this week's issue, which also covers dreaming, circadian rhythms, and sleep's role in health.

serious crayons:
Haven't got that issue yet, I don't think, but I often get them on Saturdays. Plus I just resubscribed because apparently my subscription had lapsed, and it always takes a couple of weeks to get back on track. I'll come back to this!

Jeff Wrangler:

--- Quote from: Front-Ranger on January 24, 2025, 01:17:50 pm ---I'd be interested in what people think of the article on sleeplessness by Adam Gopnik in this week's issue, which also covers dreaming, circadian rhythms, and sleep's role in health.

--- End quote ---

I don't get the week's issue until the week with the cover date. I'm presuming you mean an issue with a cover date of January 27?

I don't understand why I get the issues on Tuesdays when I'm out in the boonies.


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