We used to have a show here in Austrlia, called "Skippy, the bush Kangaroo"....
similar lines to flipper and lassie, but it was with a kangaroo, he always saved the day, caught the baddies, and gave us a moral lesson in what was right and wrong....
He could make his kangaroo sound, and his owner could have a complete conversation with him, and find out from Skippy where the baddies were, and lead someone to them....
It was set in a National Park ranger station in Sydney, which was a real place, and open for tourists, who would be able to see Skippy in real life.
It was one of the few Australian shows that was in production here in the late 50's and early 60's.....we grew up on American shows, thinking that all american families were like the Cleaver family, every aussie childs dream, I think then, was to go to America, and see everything that we were seeing on TV.
I loved Superman too, George Reeves....used to hold my breath, thinking that he would be found out to be Clarke Kent....I could see it, couldnt work out why Lois and Jimmy couldnt....
Oh for the simple, innocent days of our youth, and thinking of those early TV shows, has brought back many memories..