Author Topic: The First 100 Days - Grade the President  (Read 4383 times)

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The First 100 Days - Grade the President
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:17:57 pm »
I would give the President a B+. I think he has done a very good job so far but I'd like to see him do more in addressing this torture issue and Guantanamo Bay.

Overall though, I think he is doing a very good job. :D

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Re: The First 100 Days - Grade the President
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2009, 10:33:10 pm »
I give him a provisional C.

I would really like to see him get off campaign mode and trying to run big business, and work on some of the social issues. He has a small window of opportunity here to pass some much needed legislation regarding the elderly, social security, women's rights, etc.

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Re: The First 100 Days - Grade the President
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2009, 10:46:06 pm »
I also voted B+.  Like Jess, I would like to see President Obama address some of the social issues she mentioned very soon.

But I realize he's got a lot on his plate, particularly the economy, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  I fully expect that as we see a decrease of troops in Iraq, there will be a major buildup in Afghanistan, and perhaps a more major presence in Pakistan.  Pakistan is so completely unstable at the moment that we will definitely be an unwelcome, even hostile, presence, but what else is new?

That is going to get ugly, but letting Al Queda regain their foothold in Afghanistan and permitting Muslim extremists control Pakistan, along with their nuclear capability, is not an option, IMO.  I really wish Benazir Bhutto had not been assassinated.

And sadly, the legal morass that is Gitmo isn't going to be sorted out in a day.  But at least it will be closed, and the attorneys are working on the details to make it happen.
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Re: The First 100 Days - Grade the President
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 07:41:33 am »
I also voted B+.  Like Jess, I would like to see President Obama address some of the social issues she mentioned very soon.

But I realize he's got a lot on his plate, particularly the economy, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  I fully expect that as we see a decrease of troops in Iraq, there will be a major buildup in Afghanistan, and perhaps a more major presence in Pakistan.  Pakistan is so completely unstable at the moment that we will definitely be an unwelcome, even hostile, presence, but what else is new?

That is going to get ugly, but letting Al Queda regain their foothold in Afghanistan and permitting Muslim extremists control Pakistan, along with their nuclear capability, is not an option, IMO.  I really wish Benazir Bhutto had not been assassinated.

And sadly, the legal morass that is Gitmo isn't going to be sorted out in a day.  But at least it will be closed, and the attorneys are working on the details to make it happen.

I'm in agreement here.  I haven't been following the news closely but what I have read and heard about, I think President Obama is doing a damn fine job so far and it is only early days in his presidency.