Well, according to the tabloids at the checkout at the grocery store this morning, he's moved out and taken all the kids. I find nothing to admire about either of them, but that's me.
The tabloids say that every month though. I'm waiting for it to actually be true in the sense of them breaking up. Last I saw she was making a movie so Brad was in charge of the kids, moving them from one house to another. So I guess one could call that 'Brad moving out and taking the kids".
I find plenty to admire about Angelina. She's the real thing according to even conservative writers and most everyone who has met her regarding her international refugee work. She's also one of the best actresses of our time and a woman who is obviously compassionate and says what she thinks and not only talks the talk but walks the walk.
Brad I find less admirable, despite his talent as an actor. He was emotionally a shit to his ex-wife. But he's trying to improve his image in his charity work.
Jennifer Aniston has said and it's been published that she's trying to be friends with her ex- she won't even speak of Angelina. But it was
Brad who dumped her and treated her cruel.
Sadly stereotypical. The so-called 'other woman' is the enemy, not the lousy, "lacking an emotional chip" ex-husband.