Author Topic: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?  (Read 94649 times)

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2009, 07:14:21 pm »
Tonight, it's Michelle Pfeiffer and Rupert Friend in Cheri. Clarissa, since it's your birthday, we won't expect a report on Away We Go until tomorrow (a.m. preferably!).  ;)
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2009, 08:31:28 am »
This morning on TV I saw a commercial for movie called Julie and Julia, or something close to that. It's a kind of double story with Amy Adams as Julie and Meryl Streep as the one and only Julia Child, and it looks to be very funny indeed. I gather the plot involves Amy Adams cooking everything in Julia Child's cookbook and blogging about her experiences doing so. It appears to pair the Julie plot with a comic bio of Julia Child.

Amy Adams is very good, and Meryl Streep can do anything. Anyone who hasn't seen the two of them in Doubt should do so.
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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2009, 09:00:27 am »
I saw 500 Days of Summer at a film festival in Somerville earlier this year and thought it terrific!.  I love JGL even if he doesn't always come through for me (like Killshot *shudder*)
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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2009, 10:14:45 am »
This morning on TV I saw a commercial for movie called Julie and Julia, or something close to that. It's a kind of double story with Amy Adams as Julie and Meryl Streep as the one and only Julia Child, and it looks to be very funny indeed. I gather the plot involves Amy Adams cooking everything in Julia Child's cookbook and blogging about her experiences doing so. It appears to pair the Julie plot with a comic bio of Julia Child.

Amy Adams is very good, and Meryl Streep can do anything. Anyone who hasn't seen the two of them in Doubt should do so.

And it's a true story, too. I remember that blog running on Salon.

I picked Up. If there were a thread asking what movies are on my must-avoid list, I would pick Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen.

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2009, 10:40:05 am »
I was hoping to see MOON.  It sounds like an arthouse science fiction movie and it's getting good reviews, especially Sam Rockwell's performance.  Ppl say it's more like Solaris then your typical a mission to moon/Mars movie.  This should be a rare treat in the summer.  Most summer science fiction movies tend to be very NOISEY!  I hate having to sit thru a bunch of movie trailers where everything seems to be exploding.

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2009, 11:04:51 am »
Added the two Julies!!

Cheri WAS an indulgence...beautiful faces and bodies...fabulous costumes...lovely scenery and interiors. Kathy Bates was, as usual, superb. There were a couple of things that annoyed me about the movie, though. Primarily it was Pfeiffer's breathy delivery. Why couldn't she continue the great performance she gave as Ellen in The Age of Innocence? I tried to tune it out, but she's in almost every scene!! Rupert Friend was awesome. If I were his parent, I would have an overwhelming urge to name him Faithful or Fairweather or something. Rupert?? Oh, well, it makes him seem even more beautiful in contrast!!
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2009, 12:09:30 pm »
Added the two Julies!!

Cheri WAS an indulgence...beautiful faces and bodies...fabulous costumes...lovely scenery and interiors. Kathy Bates was, as usual, superb. There were a couple of things that annoyed me about the movie, though. Primarily it was Pfeiffer's breathy delivery. Why couldn't she continue the great performance she gave as Ellen in The Age of Innocence? I tried to tune it out, but she's in almost every scene!! Rupert Friend was awesome. If I were his parent, I would have an overwhelming urge to name him Faithful or Fairweather or something. Rupert?? Oh, well, it makes him seem even more beautiful in contrast!!

The local reviewer in my morning newspaper described Rupert Friend as having lips like ripe plums.

Yum. ...

She didn't like the movie, though. She says it's a bad adaptation, that the original Collette story is actually a tragedy but you don't get that from this film.
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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2009, 12:20:44 pm »
The local reviewer in my morning newspaper described Rupert Friend as having lips like ripe plums.

Yum. ...

She didn't like the movie, though. She says it's a bad adaptation, that the original Collette story is actually a tragedy but you don't get that from this film.

Yes, and much was made of his eyes like soles, or souls. I was thriled by, of all things, his arms, as well as the arms of the two leads in Little Ashes. I'm becoming an arm person. Have I been influenced by Michelle O. perhaps?

There were two novels, Cheri and Last of Cheri. Neither one was a tragedy, IMHO. I don't think the reviewer read those books anytime recently!! Besides, the movie did have a sad ending. Perhaps the reviewer didn't stay till the end. There is a longish speech at the end, which I liked, but all the guys in the audience were squirming...

My other gripe with the movie is that we see a scene at the beginning of their affair, and then jump to the last day of their affair six months later when Cheri's engagement was announced!! I felt cheated!!
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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2009, 12:23:38 pm »
What's wrong with Rupert?  Here are two lovely Ruperts:

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Re: What's on your summer Must-Watch Movie List?
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2009, 12:31:23 pm »
Let's Rupert, two Ruperts...where's the second Rupert, friend? Hopefully, he's coming! Coming soon!!

Oh, and another thing, there were these smacking sounds when they kissed. One or two smacks is alright but every time? Yuck!
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