The local reviewer in my morning newspaper described Rupert Friend as having lips like ripe plums.
Yum. ...
She didn't like the movie, though. She says it's a bad adaptation, that the original Collette story is actually a tragedy but you don't get that from this film.
Yes, and much was made of his eyes like soles, or souls. I was thriled by, of all things, his arms, as well as the arms of the two leads in Little Ashes. I'm becoming an arm person. Have I been influenced by Michelle O. perhaps?
There were two novels, Cheri and Last of Cheri. Neither one was a tragedy, IMHO. I don't think the reviewer read those books anytime recently!! Besides, the movie did have a sad ending. Perhaps the reviewer didn't stay till the end. There is a longish speech at the end, which I liked, but all the guys in the audience were squirming...
My other gripe with the movie is that we see a scene at the beginning of their affair, and then jump to the last day of their affair six months later when Cheri's engagement was announced!! I felt cheated!!