Happy anniversary Meryl!
Mine is on January 26. I was attracted by the beauty and melancholy of the poster, had never heard anything about the film before. Had I known what a journey this was going to take me on, I wonder sometimes, would I have dared?
Of course I went through all the 'normal' Brokie stages - just they did not feel very normal at the time
: stunned, heartbroken, dysfunctional for ages, watching again and again, then finding the forums, what a relief, I was not alone! Starting a new forum addiction, needing to dissect and understand every frame of every scene... Then there were the trips to Wyoming and Alberta, my first Brokie meetings.... and eventually the big move to Alberta. I still look at the mountains almost every morning first thing and say howdy to Jack and Ennis. When the going is tough it really helps, strange but true.
I am deeply grateful for this incredible adventure and the wonderful Brokies I have met on the way. There is a connection with you that is not possible with other people, really unique...
I will take January 26 off and visit Camp #2 as I do every year.