Author Topic: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators **REVISED Nov. 25 2007** PLEASE READ  (Read 31294 times)

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2006, 06:10:11 pm »
I am very pleased that Leslie and Louise agreed to take on this forum for us.  I would have made the introduction sooner but I've been extra busy taking care of my parents.  Both have done tremendous work in bringing fan fiction fans to BetterMost, which I have always hoped will be a friendly, tolerant, and supportive home for our users.  Everyone has a different vision, and I hope this will always be a place where folks have an opportunity to share theirs!
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Re: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2006, 09:49:26 am »
As an author if you are soliciting constructive criticism, be sure to make that clear in your thread that you welcome comments of any kind.  However, the same rules apply:  we are all guests here on Phillip's board and we should all observe civility, particularly when disagreeing.

I'm still struggling with Chapter 4 of my only fanfic, and would certainly like some constructive criticism as I go along. And there are fairly objective standards for that:

Is the plot clear; i.e., can you readily follow what's happening? Or do you have to keep checking back to an earlier chapter to follow it?

Are the characters' motivations believable?  One extra challenge in fanfiction is that the writer is using characters that were already established previously. In a sequel especially, they can certainly undergo changes but that has to be believable in the context of the basic story and basic character development that's already there.

Is the writing coherent? Are there too-mixed metaphors, imagery that seems to come out of nowhere?  Does the story meander off too much into subplots whose interest and relevance aren't enough to sustain them?  Is there an overabundance of misspellings, misuse of words (e.g., "fulsome" used to mean voluptuous or sexy), really bad grammar when it isn't in the context of colloquial speech?  Does the author make points via plot or character development, or do they just preach?  If the criticism is more than a few comments, personal messages might be the best option, as that allows for a lengthy one-on-one discussion.

IMO, we pretty much all know what isn't constructive. Comments like "your writing is as stupid as you are" (not written to me) and condemnations of some particular genre, including less-than-flattering character assessments of writers in that genre, obviously aren't going to produce much in the way of improved creative work.

While I've read some fanfiction before, BBM is the first time I've ever looked at it extensively for any one work, and there's plenty to discuss. Thanks for volunteering, Leslie and Louise!

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Re: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2006, 05:12:22 pm »
Hi Marge,

Thanks for that nice message and vote of support.

I hope you will consider starting a thread for your story. Let readers know you are interested in feedback. Maybe the dialog will give you some inspiration for your stuggle with chapter 4.

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Re: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2007, 12:46:47 pm »
Congrats, ladies! You've got a tough job ahead'a ya. Someone's gotta keep them damn sheep in line! :-*
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: Welcome from the New FanFiction Moderators
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2007, 03:49:32 pm »
Since I have been at this job for almost a year now, I like to think I am doing okay... ;)

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!