I don't know the unwritten rules for this ABCs game and I got "disciplined" for being ignorant!
=reply= "TJ"
Firstly, you are not "ignorant", nor were you "disciplined". Nor were you the first player to have a word XXX'd for being a repeat answer. The "ABCs" game rules are not "unwritten" as you state. They are spelled out in the first post of the "ABCs" game file. The rules state, e.g., that answers cannot repeat. This makes the game challenging; otherwise the same words could be used over again.
The game rules state that players should consult the Answer List before posting to verify that the word has not been used. A link to the Answer List is also provided. For the convenience of the Playerz, the "ABCs of BBM" -- Answers Played List, is now "sticky'd" at the top of The Lighter Side of the Mountain so it's easy to find. I now use my computer's Edit/Find function on the Answer List to help check if a word has been used. As one of the compilers of the Answers List, I do a lot of checking, and Edit/Find really comes in handy.
TJ, my suggestion to you would be that you review the "ABCs" rules and check out the Answer List. If you have any questions related to the game rules after you have reviewed them, simply PM me and I will be happy to help you.
Moderator Fran