One way of approaching the Hammershoi-like starkness of the Twists' living room with its single wall decoration of a cross and its diffuse lighting, is to contrast this with what we find above in Jack's bedroom.
There, the room has colours and a very varied collection of "things". There's the colourful bedspread and pillow on the single bed - note the reds - the desk with its toys and a rather crude, framed painting of cowboys herding cattle above, (could it be by Jack?), the rifle on the rack, the dresser with the baby boots, clock and covered wagon on top and another painting half seen above, Jack's clothes, and, of course, finally, the shirts. The net curtains are not closed in this room but open, allowing natural light to fall and, of course, the window opens, allowing access to the natural world outside.
I'm not sure where such a contrast might take us but it's undoubtedly there, so I thought it was worth noting.
You're right with the starkness and lightning of the Twist living room, but there are far more than a single wall decoration:
- There's the old fashioned clothes brushes object, as seen above.
- There's a small rack/shelf in the right hand corner (right side from OMT's POV, when you face the door).
- A photograph to the right of OMT.
- Next to the photo is a very basic lamp.
- Another small mirror behind OMT.
- A small, white unidentyfied object to the left of OMT.
- Plus the well-known cricufix
Makes seven wall decorations at least. Eight, if you count the hat. Plus, there's other stuff/nippes lying around (two objects under the window to OMT's right for example, and a standing lamp).
What IS this? Left side, above the bucket with cleaning utensils. Looks almost like a household sized stoup. You can see them in catholic homes in Bavaria, for example. Do Catholics in the US also have those little stoups?
We know that Mrs. Twist is Pentecostal, which brings me back to my question: what the heck is this?