"I swear, if he's gonna tell me 'bout that Alma one more time,I'm gonna puke."
Care for another pic? manip by Jimmy/knash
maybe I need to add an "it" to the name of the thread
"that Nessie got balls the size of apples pumpkins"
"We're not visiting Kelda again!"
"Damn! The one time I don't bring my fishin' rod..."
Time for a new challenge? Here's a very timely one: manip by Jimmy/knash
"Sit down, Grandpa, or I'll knock your ignorant ass into next month!"
"If I just sit here with my head down and be quiet, maybe they'll all go away!"
"If that turkey was only in the oven for three hours, I'll stick with cereal.Salmonella, anyone?"
Great thread, just went through the whole lot and had a long laugh.......Gee, I always thought he was eating soup with croutons in it, seeing as it was before the main meal....
Ready for a new one?
"I come on a gummi bear, is what happened "
*sucks tooth* "Well damn....is that another pubic hair?"
Ugh, that's salty!
Chuck, the pic is gone.Wanna post it again?
What the hell is he doing with the horse?!?!?!