There are some photos I just don't like. There are of Jake soaking wet & making these - I don't know - kissy faces at the camera. It was too much but some people loved those photos & kept posting them. - L.
Oh God, I know what you mean, those kinds of pictures are just too much, they always make me wonder what he must be thinking at that exact moment, "Oh God, I Am So Embarassed" or something like that. I always wonder about that, what it must be like to have photographers tell you what to do, besides having to cope with photographers in the street taking pictures of you without you knowing.
I like the one that is also on Mandy's site, the one with the brown leather jacket, that's gorgeous.

You know that picture that was in Premiere magazine that came with the article about Jake, last November? That was such a lovely picture, all big smiles, no SOGJack, but wonderful nonetheless.