Personally my opinion is if you have decided to be a parent, and then decide later actually I don't want to do this, well I don't think its acceptable for either a man or woman to do this.
You made a decision, you should stand by that decision.
Of course, where there is a divorce and the parents can't live together thats a different scenario because this is the best thing for the kids to have 2 happy parents to look after them, and evidently it normally ends up that one parent takes up more of the caring role than the other.
Do I think it should always be the woman? No, I think individual circumstances are much more important to consider.
People make decisions that are bad all the time. We usually give them some options.
Notice she didn't make the decision until AFTER she had them. I'm sure beforehand she'd swallowed whole the myth that having children would make her feel like a 'real woman' whole and fulfilled. It didn't.
Now what are her options?
According to many of the posters on that article and here as well, she's just stuck. She has NO choices and so she needs to put on a fake happy face and just go through the motions for another decade or so.
Really? Do you think she'll be able to keep up that facade of a happy, good mother?
Do you think her kids and family won't notice?
Unlikely. Sooner or later she will take it out on her husband, her children and those around her.
Now MEN seem to have options. If they have kids and then decide they're not really into them, they can disappear to work, to the golf course, into themselves and be emotionally absent and distant and then of course, to divorce because family life wasn't for them. So long as they pick up the check, the criticism for them seems to be extremely light and absent.
But mothers will be vilified if they don't fit into the mold of how society thinks mothers should be, despite the fact that women are PEOPLE first and not all the same.
I thought women's rights were all about getting society to realize women were people. Apparently some still think women should be forced into gender roles and not have any choices.
Not me and not this woman and not quite a few working moms I've talked to over the years who had to whisper to me their dislike of mothering and their enjoyment of work. They had to
whisper. I think that's what's "sick".