WOW, its been too long!
Happy birthday to Ang Lee, i think he is 52 today
he is awesome!
This passed weekend was good. I went to the movies with a GF, and we saw TCM:The beginning. It wasn't bad at all, except they needed more chase scenes in it and less 'capture scenes.'
I am currently listening to Solitude by Evanescence
One bad thing, though.
I got a letter back from a teacher i used to keep in contact with. Well, i actually used to have a HUGE crush on this teacher, and when his letter came after about a year or so, i was soooooo nervous.....
I was crestfallen. The way he ended the letter, i know he never wants to talk to me again. He wasn't mean about it, but his words and the way he ripped my heart was too much, i almost cried. But i must respect his obvious choice of action.
i really liked him.
but anyway, i got a new Video game........
next topic
today was a nice day. Bill tried to refuse some of my money, saying 'I like you as a friend, not a ATM machine' hehe, thats funny. Well, he bought me a pop with the money i gave him
we gave a toast to friendship-what a great moment. Friday i had leant him a book on serial killers, and today he leant me another Sin City Graphic novel which was cathartic.
its my favorite word of all time, and Tara, the girl i went to the movies with, cuts herself
and she asked for a word to 'write' on her arm. I said 'cathartic' because it means 'purging, cleansing,' all that jazz. She has a lot of problems
and i've tried to get her to get help, but its a long story.....
momma is ordering EAST OF EDEN IN THE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more James Dean, wuff, thank god!