Hi BetterMostians,
we've had some book-threads in the past, but most were for a specific purpose (ebooks, book-club, etc.). They never really took off or went dormant years ago. However, books have come up here and there, scattered in the most unexpected threads. That's a bit of a pity, since most people won't see those discussions.
How about a central book thread similar to our Movies thread: feel free to talk anything related to books you read or want to read in this thread. Recommodations, asking whether someone has read a specific book, moaning about a disappointing book, discuss books currently talked about in the media, etc.
Novels, biographies, non-fiction, sci-fi, historical, love-stories,
ebooks, paperbacks, coffee-table books,
critically acclaimed literature, amusing pasttimes and guiltiy pleasures
- don't be shy, all genres are welcome!
No rules, just one little request: it would be great if everybody could put book-titles in
bold. This way it's easy to skim through the thread and just look if a title catches your attention. Enjoy!