For all of us Jake fans there is one troubling problem: Watch the YouTube interview with Jake, Heath and Oprah. What Jake and Oprah say about his taking the role of Jack and his problem with worrying about how it would affect his career were not nice, and were in sharp contrast with what he said in the interviews on the Collector's Edition of the BBM DVDs. Actually I was so shocked I couldn't watch the whole thing, so I don't know what Heath may have said.
Before the Oprah interview I caught Jake on TV in Sands of Time, and in Bubble Boy, Danny Darko and Brothers on Netflix. It was great watching him change from a boy to a man on screen. His best performance by far was in BBM, for which we have, partially at least, Ang Lee to thank. And I have to say that Jake has gotten hotter and hotter as he has gotten older. He is one spectacular man.