Heh. True fic fans will hang on. Not sure if they'd hang on 20 years though. 
EDITED TO ADD: I keep trying Jack/Ennis slashfic in alternate universe, but the Jack character always ends up dead. I guess in my mind there can never be a happy ending for those two no matter who or where they are. 
Hi Delalluvia!
are you kidding me! ha, I have been ruthlessly searching out my favourite fanfic and I have a list of the best sweetest stories of Jack and Ennis! They are
all Jack and Ennis, either AU (deviates from canon, where Jack and Ennis DO find the sweet life we all wanted them to have) or they are filler for the canon story, filling in the missing scenes, so-to-speak. Otherwise known as the Real Deal. Jack does not die in these fanfics, no way!

If you are interested I can give you more info, like where to find them, but for now off the top of my head here are just a few of my favourites:
royandronnie: Never Enough Sleep, Trailhead, Cycle of Broken Dreams, The Time Between
midwest_girl: If I Asked
writings by belgianboy
Dreaming by Cathalin (we have been waiting patiently for over a month for Chapter 15)
all three stories by Jenny: Big Boots of Pain, Not Taking No, and When The Snow Didn't Come
larcopidis: So Damned Happy
and of course the classics
Jennasts, MaineWriter, MadLori
there's also a few authors I haven't finished reading yet, I Heart Gale Harold, and lovehurts4ever, niims, deviant_dev. There's more that that, but that's all I have for now....
PS I hope I do not inadvertently hurt anyone's feelings by leaving them off this list,
this is obviously only a partial list of Jack and Ennis fanfic, and if anyone knows of any other good fanfic about J & E, canon or AU, please let me know!
Edited to add: PS: ok, now that I finished reading the thread, I see that Del is not necessarily looking for fanfic to read, she is a writer.... Oh well, I might as well leave this post up now, that I've written it....