Oh I absolutely love this story.
I love Jack's humour and the way he is irritating "D", but at the same time is getting under D's skin. In some ways Jack is such an innocent but in others he is quite clever, surprising D.
Couldn't help but smile when D is telling himself he just wants Jack to shut up and stop asking him questions, but at the same time really wants to open up and talk to Jack. He's so used to not talking to people, and for people to not even bother wanting to make the effort to converse with him. He's certainly met his match with Gobby!Jack. LOL
And the part in the motel room when D really wants to tell Jack his name, and wants Jack to keep talking so that D can see his "big blue eyes".
I liked the bit where Jack tricks D into revealing he was in the military...and D's subsequent thoughts as to whether it was jack who was clever or him that was slipping....bit of both maybe?