Actually a conservative poster had this to say about CHARLEY WILSON's WAR at
Hollywood Finally Sticking it To Mushy-headed Liberals
Charlie Wilson was an aimless and directionless Congressman into little more than hookers and blow until he was spurred to action by a God-fearing, conservative Texan.
In uncompromising terms, the film lays out the moral failure and weak-willed incompetence of the Carter Administration in recognizing the real threat that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan posed. Here was a Carter Administration that armed Afghan resistence with pop guns.
The film makes a very good point. Once a liberal Congress lined up behind Ronald Reagan, they brought an end to a global ideology that threatened world security.
I thought it was particularly bold in the way that it endorsed the idea that covert action in such instances is very effective. The way it exposes how the Democrats in Congress weren't even willing to fund $1 million in building Afghan schools was a courageous tactic for this film to take, especially given Jack Murtha's role as chairman of that committee.
Given that Murtha has been one of the more vocal critics of the current war, I could see how easy it would be to gloss over that fact, but it made no mistake of excusing teh short-sidedness of Murtha's failings as chairman.
I know that a lot of conservatives are going to have a knee-jerk reaction to this movie and call it un-American. A lot of liberals are going to line up to look at this as a bold attack on republicans.
But, in the end, it shows that Rudy Giuliani has been fighting corruption and criminal wrong-doing since the 1970s. It shows that Carter was a weak leader and that inteh 1980s, we brought the Soviets to their knees. It shows that great things happen when Congress lines up behind these principles and has a strong Republican leader in the White House to back the expenditures and effort, we get great things.
God Bless Tom Hanks. God Bless Julia Roberts.God Bless Charlie Walker. God Bless Ronald Reagan. And God Bless a Hollywood film with the courage to show what can happen when men like Jimmy Carter are sent to the ash heap of history.