Author Topic: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*  (Read 23171 times)

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #70 on: August 30, 2006, 06:25:25 pm »
Wow you guys!(and of course girls...I've got so Americanised since I have been here!) It looks really great, I have spen the last hour and a half just looking through all the files. laughing at some :laugh:, some have got me in deep thought ??? and so have got me bawling my eyes out :'(. What you guys have done is amazing keeping a little history for all to see and enjoy. I know I was there for most of the time at the old CT but there is stuff there that I know I have read before that I had completely forgotten about. And even stuff that I wrote and forgot about!(namely the Population Density of Gay Cowboys thread, I personally don't know why you kept that! ;D) But anyway great job and I will definitely be looking around here a bit more, cause I love reading all the stuff that is on there.
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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #71 on: February 13, 2007, 12:48:11 am »
hey gang.  long time no see.  i hope you all are well.
considering i haven't made any changes to the archive site in a VERY long time, i thought i would check to see if anyone would be interested in taking it over?  it needs some serious cleaning and updating.  pm me if you're interested.
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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #72 on: February 14, 2007, 04:01:22 pm »
hey gang.  long time no see.  i hope you all are well.
considering i haven't made any changes to the archive site in a VERY long time, i thought i would check to see if anyone would be interested in taking it over?  it needs some serious cleaning and updating.  pm me if you're interested.

Hey Andrew!! I miss those archive phone calls we used to have, but I understand you are ready to give it away.

I'd probably be interested in taking it over (even though I don't know any HTML), though knowing me, it could still take quite a while to get it really in shape. If anyone wants to be a partner in that with me (again, especially those with web-design backgrounds), that's cool too. Just be warned: I'm really, really detail oriented! But that can come in handy in a project like this...

It was great fun to do with you Andrew and I'm really glad to see you here!


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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #73 on: February 14, 2007, 04:08:02 pm »
After getting a copy of the pitiful "Brokeback Mountain Trivia Book" I really think this archive should be published!!

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #74 on: February 14, 2007, 11:30:45 pm »
I'd be willing to help with the archive project!  Maybe we should assemble a little committee.  Jenny, I'm in the same boat as you with little or no experience at website building or maintenance. But, I'd be happy to help out in other capacities.  I feel like this proposed "committee" should have some old-timers who know the origins of all of this as well as people who know what the current status of threads is over at imdb.

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #75 on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:35 pm »
So someone with web design knowledge is needed. Thing is, then we would have a web designer with a "committee" of people with little design knowledge looking over their shoulder? Sounds like a case of too many chefs . . .  (sorry if that sounds pessimistic; I've just seen this scenario before).

Offline newyearsday

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2007, 02:43:28 pm »
Well, the site should be easy to work with, we don't need to do any designing as far as I'm concerned. Simple is good. It just needs a little organization. Andrew can probably teach me the few tricks I would need to know. I agree that too many cooks wouldn't be helpful in this case.

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Offline littledarlin

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2007, 10:23:42 am »
hey everyone.  thanks for the offers!  i feel really bad that i haven't been able to take the time to update.  the truth is i just don't know enough and the way i was doing things was just way too complicated and time consuming.  i'd rather someone with some experience take it over because really it's like the blind leading the blind.  i have to check with the host to see what my options are for transferring the data, and if that's not possible i'll figure something out. 

i'll keep you updated.
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Offline newyearsday

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Re: Archive Unveiling *Updated on 4/10*
« Reply #78 on: February 16, 2007, 12:00:08 pm »
Thanks Andrew.

As you know more than anyone, I can get pretty protective of this project! I guess a large part of that is because these threads that we're organizing are probably the ones I will always hold the dearest to my heart. I agree with Amanda that whoever is coming on board should have some familiarity with these threads since it's really the organization of them that is the issue and if you don't know what they are, it would be hard to organize them. I wonder if I should take a crash course in html.....

I'll PM you Andrew, and see what might be needed.


p.s. I just realized the Aero screening anniversary came and went! So for people who have no idea what that is or want to relive the memories and amazing thread that went with it, check out the archive The best thread on the Aero experience IMO (called something like "Angfest '06") is NOT there, but is probably waiting to be put up! But there is a great thread called "Heath and Jake both looked at me (Q&A Screening)" and that is located under the large topic APPEARANCES AND SCREENINGS.

It was started by none other than Ellemeno, one of the blessed pilgrims, to adapt a phrase from the Cult Thread. This took a while (!) but imbedded in the thread is post by MERYL (as Meryl 88) that contains a link to a post on Live Journal about the event, and near the end of that thread is a great post by Surf, one of the seven pilgrims, who used to be a member here, and had the last word, literally, at the Aero Screening. I'll reprint his post from the LiveJournal thread here, since it's such a wild goose chase getting to it:

There has been a bit of mention in threads on forums/websites, about what I said at the AERO screening last Monday night (I can't believe it's been one week already!). Anyway, not everyone was there and what I said has been sort of paraphrased by several people and even a not so accurate snippet on the "Defamer" website, so I am posting here to the best of my memory. I had to sit here and think hard and over and over about what exactly I said and what I remember, period, and I'm tired, I just got back to NYC from L.A. late last night. So here it is:


Here is what I said at the Aero, to the best of my memory. I was the last one to speak to them. I really can't remember what I said word for word, and in exactly what order I said things, and I may end up leaving some things out. I wish I had had a tape recorder with me that night. Maybe someone somewhere had one, who knows.

I think I first started out by saying that many people there that night had thanked them for making the movie and I just wanted to add a little to that. Then I went on,

"All of you do this for a living: Actors, Writer, Cinematographer, Musician/Composer,

(and I gesture with my right hand, pointing them all out. Then I add an aside directed at Gustavo),

"and Gustavo, you have know Idea how in love I am with your music

(Gustavo, I remember smiles at me big and says "Thank You") then I continue,

"and you would all probably say you were just doing your jobs. But when you made this film, you did more than just your jobs. What you did, and I'm speaking for myself personally, but what all of you did, more than just a film, what you really did was give me a gift"

(and I remember at this point a woman somewhere behind me saying "Oh yeah" out loud and a bit of appluase, but I was so wrapped up in what I was saying I never saw how Heath or Jake or any of the rest of them reacted to this)

"Gustavo, your Music, Rodrigo, your beautiful cinematography

(and I remember Rodrigo smiling at me and saying "Thank You"),

Diana for writing such a beautiful script, Michelle your portrayal of Alma and Heath and Jake, this is the portrayal I've been waiting for, and getting these characters up on screen - I've been starving and thirsty for this all my life,

I rememember seeing Jake leaning forward, listening, seemed to be smiling, looking at me, Heath, a serious look?

I mean, you don't get this watching "Will & Grace",

(laughter and applause),

and I just can't let go of this movie"

(Reply to this) (Thread)
2006-02-21 01:17 am UTC (link) 
Oh cool. Yeah the actors were nodding and did want to say something. I was staring at Jake as you were talking. I remember you because it was the only 'thank you for making this movie' comment that was good and actually got everyone nodding. Nice comment.
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2006-02-21 05:44 am UTC (link) 
Thanks so much for your kind words. Any/all details you can give me of how he was looking/reacting to the things I said I would very much appreciate. If it wasn't for you I would nevever have known that Heath and Jake had even attempted to respond to me, thanks to that dang Newsweek reporter who cut them off from speaking to me!!!
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2006-02-21 06:26 am UTC (link) 
Well both Heath and Jake were polite as with every thank you they got, but with yours they were nodding and Jake had a smirk on his face and was no longer sitting with his legs crossed and him back to the chair. I mean he wasn't doing anything special, but he had the most adorable smile when you said we don't get this on Will and Grace, or something along those lines. After you finished that it seemed as though either Jake wanted to quip about Will and Grace or just thank you for your comment. They were looking at you, if he was looking at me I probably would have not been able to talk, much less get any coherent words out of my mouth.

AND last but not least for anyone who's still with me on this mega post, I wanted to tell Clarissa, who said back on May 9th
bump this wonderfulness.

Are the original haiku and clerihew threads archived anywhere?  I could only find a haiku thread that started on March 28th, relatively late in the haiku phenomenon.


YES! THe clerihews and limericks thread is up there, under BROKIES >> Fun and Games (a subtopic quite a ways down under the BROKIES heading, which is itself quite far down on the menu, after all the threads about the movie, the actors, the awards, the symbolism, etc.

There! Happy Aero Anniversary week everyone!

Revelationtees--wear them for good. Profits go to the Matthew Shepard Foundation: & (for EU)
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