Big and Back To The Future were ok. I enjoyed them the one time I saw them, but never saw them more than once.
Movies about high school kids.....I kinda agree with Jeff. 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Mean Girls, Pretty In Pink......meh.
There are three that I can think of that I will watch each time they come on:
Grease, a musical, but it appeals to me. Heathers, and Breakfast Club - I don't know why these two catch my attention, but any time they're on, I watch.
I don't have any special interest in high-school movies, but for me it has less to do with the setting than the quality of the individual film. For me,
Big and
Back to the Future are genuine classics; I saw them in theaters, then watched them on video with my sons when they were little; they liked them, too.
Easy A, starring Emma Stone, kind of an updated feminist high-school version of the Scarlet Letter, is very good, as is
I have no interest in Brat Pack films. Or rather, I have no interest in 1980s John Hughes movies; it's probably not the Brats' fault.
Here are the ones I can think of. There's gotta be others, including dramas. I think studios like them because they know teenagers are more likely than adults to see a movie multiple times.
Big, Back to the Future, Mean Girls. Also,
Easy A, JunoKind of like:
Dazed and Confused and that one where Matthew Perry turns into his younger self, played by Zach Efron, mainly because the latter is hot in it
Intensely dislike:
Ferris BuellerMeh:
Grease, Breakfast Club, that one where John Cusack holds up a boom box to his girlfriend's window
Never seen and have no interest in seeing:
16 Candles, Pretty in Pink
Never seen but might possibly find them interesting:
Heathers, Fast Times at Ridgemont High