Our BetterMost Community > The Holiday Forum

Recipes - Main & Side Dishes

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I'm not sure how mac and cheese got to be a part of the Thanksgiving table.  Perhaps an easy item to make, that the picky kids will eat.

AS for sweet potatoes, they were  not on our table the past few years.

Paul, your dinner and dessert sound fantastic!  I know everyone there appreciated the effort you put forth, and the results!

Jeff Wrangler:

--- Quote from: CellarDweller on November 29, 2024, 10:19:03 pm ---I'm not sure how mac and cheese got to be a part of the Thanksgiving table.  Perhaps an easy item to make, that the picky kids will eat.

--- End quote ---

I once had a theory that I'm happy to say I believe has been exploded. It involved boxes of Kraft (or generic) macaroni and cheese being included in the boxes of food given by many charities at the holiday to families in need.   ::)

I'm told the reason why mac and cheese boxes are no longer given out is because you have to add in milk and butter, which so many homes don't have anymore. You can get boxes of mac and cheese with the milk, butter and cheese sauce in a packet or plastic tubs where you just add water and microwave. But these aren't typically given out because they contain so little nutrition.


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