Yes, there are songs I personally don't care for that folks have requested, and I've put them on the air. Those songs go on to be quite favorites among the listeners, even though I personally don't care for it. That's also one of the reasons we have these 'feedback forums' so you can tell me what you guys want to hear on the station. ...
Yes, thanks, Eric. I was wondering if any of the dance mixes were included in the re-adds Eric did. Lo and behold, I heard one earlier today. To my utter shock and surprise, I didn't cringe or tense up or weep or gnash my teeth. I actually liked it! I clicked thumbs up on it! I couldn't believe it. I had to lie down for a few minutes with a cool cloth on my forehead. Also, I think you made a good choice of "Danny Boy" artist to play.
RE: Danny Boy Ok, so you're going to make me choose, hunh? Ok, I'm puttin' someone's version on the air, but I'm not tellin' who's. You'll have to listen to find out. RE: VotingYes please do vote "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down" as often as you like whenever you hear your favorite or not so favorite songs. The votes are only tallied for the last 30 days and on a 30 day rotation. So if you voted for a song in March, it no longer counts.BTW: The DJ knows who likes what, and who suggested or commented on which songs. The DJ also knows what songs had high "Thumbs Up" counts in the past, and suddenly have lots of "Thumbs Down" votes, and it's all relative and taken into consideration. The DJ also sees when folks tune in and tune out during the day and during which songs. The DJ is watching....
You're gonna get tired of me with my song suggestions since here is another in a totally different type of music........Stand By Me by Ben E. KingI will try to make a list. How's that