July 1988"Think I'm gonna turn in Ennis...we worked pretty hard today.....ya comin'?" Bobby looked anxiously at Ennis.
"Be in, in a minute....keep the light on."
Both Ennis and Bobby had something they promised themselves to ask of the other this day but neither yet could seem to find the right moment. Ennis slowly got up and made his way to their room. Pulling the covers over, Bobby reached for the light on the nightstand.
"No leave it on just ah bit."
"Somethin' wrong Ennis?"
"No....not at tall.." Trying to gather courage to say what he wanted. "Bobby...."
"What isi it Ennis?...."
"Aw ....nothin'...ya can go ahead 'n turn out the light."
Laying back in the darkness, shadows from the window on the ceiling both men are deep in their thoughts.
"Bobby..." The both had said in unison. "Um...um ya want me ta pull the shade?"
"No its fine.....it's"
"Ennis..." They both again said in unison.
"Somethin' wrong son?....somethin' Ah c'n help with?....ya c'n tell me anythin'"
"I know....sounds like ya got somethin' on your mind Ennis....and you can tell me if ya want....you wanna tell...."
"Bobby...Bobby, back....back when Ah found out 'bout yer dad....spoke ta yer mama on the phone....only time Ah ever called...thought must be some horrible mistake....your mama, she was real nice ta me....told me you dad...you dad wanted ta have his ashes scattered on Brokeback mountain....she said it was his favorite place...she ...she didn't know where it was.......Thought it might me up here near where he grew up....said half his ashes were sent up here...Ah came up here that first time a few days later ta bring him up....your grandpa Twist...he told Jack was to be buried in here in the family plot.....Ah kinda thought with him gone...your grandpa gone and ever thing with the ranch 'n all...mebe could carry out your dad's wishes...but Ah don't know....not sure how your grandma would feel 'bout diggin' 'm up..."
"Ennis...Ennis won't....won't he as hard as all that...."
"Huh?...whut ta mean?"
"See....Ennis...mom never could bring herself ta bury dad's ashes...kept 'm in a urn all this time... Dad..he told me 'bout Brokeback...wantin' ta have his ashes...on that last trip we went on. Kept after mom ta let me take him up...shouldn't be split in two like that...this might be the last chance ta do what dad wanted....Ennis ....I took 'm up with me! their here!.... and know what else!...grandma..she couldn't bury him neither!.... We...we can do it Ennis!....we c'n take him up there....all of him....that's I've been thinkin' on ta tell you.... Can....can we Ennis?..." Bobby near tears.
"You...you betcha son...we c'n go in a few days...do right by yer dad..."
"Still got some warm down bags from when me 'n dad use ta fish 'n camp...little stove too...everything we need."
"We'll take the horses up...try out that new trailer....pack everthin' we need.....now best ta get ta sleep son...we'll talk more in the mornin' ...nite Bobby..."
"Nite Ennis..."
In deep peaceful sleep both men dreamed of Jack Twist, laughing telling stories of bull ridding, dancing around the campfire, side by side on horse back, always with a the big wide smiling face looking back.