Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1450544 times)

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1310 on: May 14, 2007, 10:31:15 am »

Mark, this series has to be one of my favorite fics ever.  What a perfectly beautiful ending . . . true love never really ends.  Have you considered putting all these drabbles together somewhere?  It's really special - as are the pictures you chose - they tell a story themselves.

Thanks again,

Thanks Marie. I plan on pasting it together, tweaking it just a bit ( I did the math wrong for Bobby's age, he should be around 18-19 ) for Fanfic.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 10:43:06 am by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1311 on: May 14, 2007, 12:21:11 pm »


Early that October a semi with a car carrier pulled into the streets of Riverton with  eight new Fords, all pickups except a silver Thunderbird on the bottom. On the top row second from the front behind a dark blue one ton crew cab dually was a two tone white and burgundy F-150 XLT, special ordered for Ennis Del Mar. Nearly every night before going to sheep Ennis would pour over the glossy color brochure with the options checked off he wanted, some Bobby had talked him into. ’Ennis…ya have at get air conditioning….can’t be drivin’ ’cross these plains in middle of summer without it’  ‘But did fine without it….’ ‘Pop would want ya ta have it and he’d say ya better use it!’ And not the ones he didn’t. “Ain’t getting’ power windows though….c’n roll up my own ….don’t care what yer daddy say ‘bout that!” Three days later, protective plastic removed from the seats and floor, washed and waxed to a sparkling sheen Ennis is handed the keys, proudly driving through the streets of Riverton feeling surrounded, protected by Jack..

More that two and a half decades would pass before Bobby  would  return to Brokeback, this time with his own sons Jack Jr. 17, and Caleb 16, to bring Ennis up to the mountain to join his father.  Driving that same pickup he helped Ennis order so long ago, still in fine condition up the narrow dirt road  as he downshifted he thought of  that lesson, taught with so much patience, never giving up until he was confidant shifting through the gears. Jack Jr.  drove Bobby’s own pickup following behind his dad, each pulling  a horse trailer, to the drop point where Jack and Ennis first rode together 50 summers before.

Bobby had returned to Wyoming the following the summer at Lightning Flat, working on a ranch with Ennis, Ennis arranging the job. Always a hard worker, Bobby grew attached to the animals, caring for them, fascinated  by the creatures, finding the work much more fulfilling than selling heavy farm machinery. Changing his major to medical science he applied and was accepted to the Colorado State Veterinary Program remaining there for graduate school, always returning to Wyoming to work with Ennis. For three summers he and Ennis worked for a pack station taking tourists on one or two week long treks in the far corners of Yellowstone. Ennis with his daughters raised, well respected by all the surrounding ranches  enjoyed the freedom of picking and choosing his employment always looking forward to those summers, able to find promising new adventure.

Bobby interned for a vet in Laramie taking over the practice when he retired. Married raising his two sons, Bobby’s ’uncle’ Ennis, always a welcome guest, never missing a birthday celebration, graduation, often spending a few days several times a year, helping Bobby teach his sons to ride and care for their horses, camping at Pine Lake for their spring break.

Ennis had told Bobby not long before. “Seems like the cure is worse that the disease…don’t seem right  ta  be goin’ through all that…just ta make it longer ‘till Ah’s see your daddy again….been getting’ real lonesome fer him …don’t seem like it should be so long now….. You don’t be worrin’ ‘bout me now ya hear!….wouldn’t trade the life Ah lived fer no ones!…ya hear son?…Got ta have my two little girls, saw my grandchildren grow up….see yer sons almost grown…got ta be with yer daddy… wouldn’t trade any of it fer nothing’….You don’t be sad fer me when Ah’s gone….ya hear son ? ….be with yer daddy again….together……always….”

By the light of the fire, father and two sons laughed and told stories of the two men, one the younger generation had known all their years, the other they had never met. “Yeeeeeeee…Hawwwwwwwww!!!!!! ….waving’ at  the girls in the stands…..throwin’ me ta hi heaven…..”  “That  Jack….sure didn’t like beans much….sure could talk ah lot…..” the younger Twists would mimic “Huh?…” and roar with laughter.

Their last morning on Brokeback, standing as he had done  with Ennis so many years before, Bobby opened the container, then tilting it,  a gust of wind blew freeing his remains to become part of the mountain, together with Jack. Bobby with his sons at either side  looks on, tears flowing freely, Jack Jr. and Caleb comforted by their fathers arms. Ennis del Mar, the man his father had loved.

While Bobby and his sons wouldn’t again  ride up  Brokeback, every spring they would return to camp  at Pine Creek as Ennis had done with them before, as did his father with Ennis. Each of them would glance over at Brokebacks peak standing tall in the distance Bobby thinking of his dad and Ennis, the man who taught him so much about his father, and his sons the grandfather they never got to meet, but somehow knew so well, together with their uncle Ennis forever part of the mountain.

                                          OH MARK;           SO TOUCHING .........TEARS

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Offline cwby30

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1312 on: May 14, 2007, 12:26:28 pm »
Mornin', jp:

Well, that was another great story you wrote. Have enjoyed all of yours, and this one's great. You brought a positive light to the canon OS Ennis' life after Jack, gave him the son he wanted but never had, and gave Bobby the father/uncle he needed at that point in his life, and gave Jack's grandsons the grandfather they never knew in person but now know in memory.  Can just see Ennis driving through Riverton all those years in that fine Ford two-tone F150 XLT, and now Jack's grandsons can, too.  And Jack's voice in Ennis' ear as he and Bobby parted at the end of the summer...wonderful.

Glad to hear that you're putting these "drabbles" into one place. A fine read for all fans of Jack and Ennis and their story.

Thanks again. 

Offline belbbmfan

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1313 on: May 14, 2007, 12:58:36 pm »


Their last morning on Brokeback, standing as he had done  with Ennis so many years before, Bobby opened the container, then tilting it,  a gust of wind blew freeing his remains to become part of the mountain, together with Jack. Bobby with his sons at either side  looks on, tears flowing freely, Jack Jr. and Caleb comforted by their fathers arms. Ennis del Mar, the man his father had loved.

While Bobby and his sons wouldn’t again  ride up  Brokeback, every spring they would return to camp  at Pine Creek as Ennis had done with them before, as did his father with Ennis. Each of them would glance over at Brokebacks peak standing tall in the distance Bobby thinking of his dad and Ennis, the man who taught him so much about his father, and his sons the grandfather they never got to meet, but somehow knew so well, together with their uncle Ennis forever part of the mountain.

What everyone said!

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us Mark.
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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1314 on: May 14, 2007, 02:38:21 pm »


Their last morning on Brokeback, standing as he had done  with Ennis so many years before, Bobby opened the container, then tilting it,  a gust of wind blew freeing his remains to become part of the mountain, together with Jack. Bobby with his sons at either side  looks on, tears flowing freely, Jack Jr. and Caleb comforted by their fathers arms. Ennis del Mar, the man his father had loved.

While Bobby and his sons wouldn’t again  ride up  Brokeback, every spring they would return to camp  at Pine Creek as Ennis had done with them before, as did his father with Ennis. Each of them would glance over at Brokebacks peak standing tall in the distance Bobby thinking of his dad and Ennis, the man who taught him so much about his father, and his sons the grandfather they never got to meet, but somehow knew so well, together with their uncle Ennis forever part of the mountain.

Thank you Mark for this series. I liked it a lot and you have an uncanny ability to find the perfectly fitting pic/-s for every part.

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1315 on: May 14, 2007, 03:30:58 pm »
Aww thanks every one!!!!
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1316 on: May 14, 2007, 04:49:59 pm »
Hi everyone ..
A little playful AU drabble ...  :)

I Got Plans For You..

Ennis had just finished making supper when he heard the sound of tires crunching gravel in the front yard.  He smiled to himself and wiped his hands on a dish towel.

“Hey babe,” Jack called out tiredly as he walked through the door.  He dumped his briefcase on the floor and collapsed on the sofa.

“Rough day, huh?” Ennis said from behind him, his strong hands loosening the tight knots on Jack’s tense shoulders.

“Ahh … that feels good..” Jack sighed, throwing his head back on the sofa.  “I know I get a fat paycheck for being the boss an’ all, but damn, I get so fuckin’ exhausted by the time Friday rolls in…” he closed his eyes and undid his tie; enjoying the feel of Ennis’ hands on his neck.

Ennis came around and plopped down on the sofa.  He planted a lingering kiss on Jack’s lips and began a trail of soft kisses down the side of his neck.  “Hmm.. You smell good.  You’re wearing that aftershave I like..”  His warm breath fanned Jack’s ear for a moment before he nibbled it softly.  Jack sighed.

“Ya know what I got planned for you tonight?” Ennis said in that low, sexy drawl he knew drove Jack nuts. 

Jack leaned in closer; his tired blue eyes brightening.   “Tell me whut ya got planned..”

Ennis nibbled his ear some more, “First, I’m gonna put you in a warm bath… Then I’m gonna warsh you clean… Then if you’re still hungry for food at that point, I’ll feed you… Either way, I want you to look forward to dessert..”

Jack smiled brightly, “You been thinking about this all day, haven’t ya?”

“You bet,” Ennis whispered, his hands busily unbuttoning Jack’s shirt.  “What else am I supposed to do on my days off?”  He stood up and pulled Jack off the sofa.  He was dragging him off to the bedroom when he stopped abruptly, “I’m gonna do all this on one condition,” Ennis said, a serious look on his face.

Jack looked at him, slightly puzzled, “Whut condition?”

“If you promise not to scream so loudly when we get down to business… I think the neighbors heard us last night…” he joked.  “That ol’ geezer next door was givin’ me disapprovin’ looks all day..”

Jack laughed and smacked him hard on the rump as they both stumbled towards the bedroom.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1317 on: May 14, 2007, 07:08:49 pm »
The Time to Decide

(August 1985)
Ennis looked over at Tom.  He knew that he had to decide.  He sat down on the steps of the trailer.  That night with Tom weeks ago flashed in his mind.  He saw Tom’s body, with the strong lean muscles.  He remembered the sparks that shot all though him.  He felt the touch of Tom’s hands all over him.  But Ennis shook his head, he wasn’t really like that, he kept saying to himself.  Ennis looked up at Tom, who was staring at him, from across the way at his trailer.  But Ennis got up and went back inside.  He stayed inside the whole rest of that day even though it was sweltering hot.  He didn’t even go for a ride.  He just went back and forth between the shirts and the picture, taking two more showers to try to cool off. 

Ennis didn’t talk to Tom the whole week.  He just came home from the ranch and went straight inside even though he saw Tom sitting outside his trailer every night.  But this time Tom just sat there staring at him each night, he didn’t try to talk to him or come over anymore like he did before..

Finally it was Friday.  It was payday.  Ennis decided not to go straight home.  He went to the bar and had a few drinks.  He hadn’t been in the bar for a while.  It reminded him too much of Cassie and that time.  But he sat there with his drinks for a long time.  He knew he had to decide.  He looked around.  Suddenly he felt a pang.  There was a blond woman at the bar.  From the back she almost looked like Cassie, at the beginning, when Cassie was blond and laughing and pretty.  Not like at the end.  The woman turned around.  She looked nothing like Cassie but she was pretty.  She had green glowing eyes and high wide cheekbones.  She looked at Ennis, but he quickly turned away as if he just saw a ghost.  Ennis got up and left the bar.  He suddenly realized he was exhausted.

Ennis quickly drove back to the trailer.  He got out and looked across the way.  Tom was sitting on the steps, smoking as usual.  Ennis stopped and stared.  He thought of the picture and the shirts.  He thought of Jack.  But he looked at Tom.  He knew he had to decide, for real this time.

He slowly began walking across the way.  He looked up at the stars.  “This is what I gotta do” he said with a long sigh.  He kept right on walking.

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1318 on: May 14, 2007, 07:19:23 pm »
Hi everyone ..
A little playful AU drabble ...  :)
“If you promise not to scream so loudly when we get down to business… I think the neighbors heard us last night…” he joked.  “That ol’ geezer next door was givin’ me disapprovin’ looks all day..”

Jack laughed and smacked him hard on the rump as they both stumbled towards the bedroom. 

lol!  That was a lot of fun, M!!  Sometimes "playful" is just what the doctor ordered.  ;D

.  . . He thought of Jack.  But he looked at Tom.  . . .

. . .He looked up at the stars. . . . 

Marl, the recurring reference throughout this series to the stars, the sky, the heavens, is just brilliant. I've said it before, but it bears repeating - you've captured Ennis so well.

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Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #1319 on: May 14, 2007, 10:16:02 pm »
Hi everyone ..
A little playful AU drabble ...  :)

I Got Plans For You..

Ennis had just finished making supper when he heard the sound of tires crunching gravel in the front yard.  He smiled to himself and wiped his hands on a dish towel.

“Hey babe,” Jack called out tiredly as he walked through the door.  He dumped his briefcase on the floor and collapsed on the sofa.

“Rough day, huh?” Ennis said from behind him, his strong hands loosening the tight knots on Jack’s tense shoulders.

“Ahh … that feels good..” Jack sighed, throwing his head back on the sofa.  “I know I get a fat paycheck for being the boss an’ all, but damn, I get so fuckin’ exhausted by the time Friday rolls in…” he closed his eyes and undid his tie; enjoying the feel of Ennis’ hands on his neck.

Ennis came around and plopped down on the sofa.  He planted a lingering kiss on Jack’s lips and began a trail of soft kisses down the side of his neck.  “Hmm.. You smell good.  You’re wearing that aftershave I like..”  His warm breath fanned Jack’s ear for a moment before he nibbled it softly.  Jack sighed.

“Ya know what I got planned for you tonight?” Ennis said in that low, sexy drawl he knew drove Jack nuts. 

Jack leaned in closer; his tired blue eyes brightening.   “Tell me whut ya got planned..”

Ennis nibbled his ear some more, “First, I’m gonna put you in a warm bath… Then I’m gonna warsh you clean… Then if you’re still hungry for food at that point, I’ll feed you… Either way, I want you to look forward to dessert..”

Jack smiled brightly, “You been thinking about this all day, haven’t ya?”

“You bet,” Ennis whispered, his hands busily unbuttoning Jack’s shirt.  “What else am I supposed to do on my days off?”  He stood up and pulled Jack off the sofa.  He was dragging him off to the bedroom when he stopped abruptly, “I’m gonna do all this on one condition,” Ennis said, a serious look on his face.

Jack looked at him, slightly puzzled, “Whut condition?”

“If you promise not to scream so loudly when we get down to business… I think the neighbors heard us last night…” he joked.  “That ol’ geezer next door was givin’ me disapprovin’ looks all day..”

Jack laughed and smacked him hard on the rump as they both stumbled towards the bedroom.

Beautiful!  So sexy, hot and playful all at once.  Gorgeous writing!