Jack and Ennis slouch in front of the old TV that is in Don Wroes
cabin... The set is snowy with a tiny black and white screen.. They
are smoking cigarettes in the throes of post coital relaxation.
The television is explaining how it is the 11th anniversary of the
Hungarian revolution. They tell how the Uprising was crushed by the
Russians, and now they are tightening down the grip of their
occupation, over all the eastern European countries.
Ennis says "wow, its been that long already," seem like it was only
a couple of years ago, don"t it." "Seems like them danged Russians
been real busy in the last few years. What ya' think they are aimin ta
do." "Take over the whole damned world?" "Donno, Jack." "It ain't
somethin i really wanna git inta jus now if ya don"t mind."
"I would much rather get busy with you, than givin anymore
thoughts, to people over there jus now." "Wow Ennis
what ya got in mind?" "Well I may start with this,, here,
Ennis snuffs out the butt of his cigarette." He leans into Jack and
kisses him on the lower neck. He then says " and meybe a little of
that" As he moves forward to his lovers ear. "Then we'll just have to
see where it goes pal." Jack smiles, his big, corners of the mouth
grin..saying" I don't know what you doing, but, I do like the direction
yer goin." "Maybe i can take you over, too Rodeo." "Maybe, if ya
keep doing that." "An play yer cards right."