Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1436857 times)

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #310 on: February 21, 2007, 02:23:57 pm »

I thought I'd share one more drabble ..
Sorry if it is alittle heavy ..  I started out wanting to write something cheerful but it somehow headed in this direction ..:-\

Tainted skies ..

Yes, that was heavy - but in a really beautiful way . and I understand about letting it go where it had to.

Ennis: I was a scared too Jack...but made it alright.

Jack: I... I'm real glad ya did

Ennis: Me to to.[/b]

Aww, me too Jack - that was lovely - and thanks for the pictures!

November 1975
Pine Creek

Jack’s eyes dropped to the box in his hand. I thought I could do it, I thought I could press it, but I can’t…I love him too much…. He lifted one of bright orange fruits out of the crate and handed it to Ennis. “Here ya go, cowboy. They taste real good..a lil bit a summer sunshine on a cold winter day.”

Ennis took the offered fruit with a murmured thanks, then looked at Jack, and in his eyes, Jack saw all that he needed to know.

(293 words)

I really felt that one, Leslie.  Funny, there is a clementine sitting on my desk as I type.  Something else to add to my long list of things that remind me of Brokeback.

     "Well i don't mean to be persistant about this deal bud."  "But
I still need to piss."  "Well, if you gotta go, go on ahead, but
i damned sure ain't gonna hold it fer ya this time."  "Much as i'd
love ta do that for ya."  "This is one time, I ain't gonna."
     "Maybe i'll wait."

Loved your use of the prompts, Janice - and I always love your Ennis & Jack dialogue - so funny and real.

He sat in the musty, darkened movie house.  Only two others were there, and he couldn’t tell if they were men or women.  He arrived after the movie had begun.  Fear and excitement kept him from really focusing on the story.  He seemed to have been in a perpetual state of arousal and anxiety, since he made the decision to sneak to the next town and see this movie.

As he sat there, the images of the two men grappling and touching overtook him.  His heart skipped beats and his breath came in shallow inhalations.  The sight of two men together, with one of them not being him, was a new one: an exotic one: forbidden: desired: maddening: saddening.  His cock grew hard and thick.  In the darkness of the theater and the darkness of his mental wanderings, he allowed his hand to rub the straining fullness in his jeans.  If only that Hamlin guy could look more like Ennis.

16o words

Scott, that was simply awesome!  I remember that very well - "Making Love," wasn't it?  I think Kate Jackson was in it, too.

Thanks again.
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #311 on: February 21, 2007, 02:25:24 pm »
Scott ~

Making Love is one of my faves too!   ;D

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #312 on: February 21, 2007, 02:27:29 pm »
I decided to give this a try again,

That persistent ache just would not go away.  Ennis tried to ignore it, he tried to fix it with the beer and the whiskey but the ache wouldn’t go.  He tried some weed, and then the harder stuff, but that feeling, down in the pit of his chest would not leave him.  He knew what it was from, but he was just forcing himself not to think of it.  Junior found him that day, when he couldn’t leave the chair, he just sat there and stared all day at the closet door.

She wanted him to go get help, Ennis didn’t get this help business, so he promised her he would try not to think about well, you know.

He went to the movies, maybe that would help.  But at the movies, it was about these two young guys, they became friends.  Ennis just cried and cried, but the persistent ache still didn’t go away.

(155 words)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 02:41:47 pm by marlb42 »

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #313 on: February 21, 2007, 02:30:40 pm »
Wow - great drabble day - I can't keep up! 

Another dabble ... :)


"Yer a horny and persistent sumbitch, Ennis del Mar!
Besides, who says we need to wait till tonight to go camping?
Looks to me like ya got yer very own tent happening here! 
Damn boy!"
, Jack exclaimed, throwing himself onto the bed.

Oh, yeah!!!!  "Damn boy" is right.  Keep 'em coming!!

I decided to give this a try again,

That persistent ache just would not go away.  Ennis tried to ignore it, he tried to fix it with the beer and the whiskey but the ache wouldn’t go.  He tried some weed, and then the harder stuff, but that feeling, down in the pit of his chest would not leave him.  He knew what it was from, but he was just forcing himself not to think of it.  Junior found him that day, when he couldn’t leave the chair, he just sat there and stared all day at the closet door.

She wanted him to go get help, Ennis didn’t get this help business, so he promised her he would try not to think about well, you know.

He went to the movies, maybe that would help.  But at the movies, it was about these to young guys, they became friends.  Ennis just cried and cried, but the persistent ache still didn’t go away.

(155 words)

Oh, that was beautifully written - really captured Ennis!

Thanks, Marie
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #314 on: February 21, 2007, 02:34:18 pm »
I did this yesterday...faked it a bit with a quote from ALBFS. But I know everyone enjoys this part (from the epilogue) and it is perfect for the prompt "movie." Enjoy...

In the fall of 2005, Jack started reading online articles and reviews about a new movie that was coming out in December. “It’s about two gay cowboys,” he said to Ennis. “It’s winning a lot of awards, including first prize at a big film festival in Italy. Wanna go see it?”

“Sure, why not?” said Ennis. “You know I like movies.”

Since they knew it would be months before it came to the little theater in Quanah, they decided to make a weekend of it in Dallas. They stayed at the Fairmount, had a delicious dinner at the Texas Land and Cattle Company (Jack likes the T-bone steak, but Ennis prefers the New York strip, medium rare) and went to the 9 pm show at the Magnolia. They held hands throughout the picture in the darkened theater and were transfixed by the story. As the credits rolled and Willie Nelson sang, Jack turned to Ennis. “That could’ve been us.” Ennis nodded. “But we re-wrote the endin’.”

“I like our endin’ better,” said Ennis.

“No shit, Sherlock,” laughed Jack. “I ended up dead.”

“Yeah, well what ‘bout me?” said Ennis. “I prob’ly was gonna die of lung cancer in that fuckin’ depressin’ trailer.”


They settled in the bed, pulling each other close. “That’s one thing I’m glad they didn’t show,” said Ennis.

“What’s that?” said Jack, not following the comment.

“This,” said Ennis. “Our personal life. The sex. It’s kinda private, I think.”

“Yeah,” said Jack, “but I bet the audience wanted more. We were hot. That reunion kiss—shit! It got me goin’ in the theater.”

Ennis smiled at him. “I remember that kiss. It was hot. But guess what?” he said, as he leaned in.

“What?” whispered Jack, feeling Ennis’s breath like fire on his face.

“This one’s gonna be hotter.”

(301 words)
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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #315 on: February 21, 2007, 04:15:08 pm »
December 1977
Don Wroe's Cabin
Late at night, a bit too much whisky shared.

They laid on the bed, fullfilled with each other's warmth. Ennis content and drowsy, but Jack had other things on his mind.



"Where are the tangerines you brought?"

"You hungry?"

"Nope. Wanna show you something."

"Kitchen table."

A minute later, a stark-naked Jack Twist stood in front of the bed, throwing three tangerines up into the air, one after the other, juggling.

"Didn't know you can juggle."

Jack, frowning with concentration, his tongue automatically running between his lips, didn't say anything. He struggled, almost let one fall, balanced to catch it, followed by a nimble sidestepp to get hold of the next one.

"You know bud, too bad you don't have three balls. The way they bounce and gambol you could juggle with 'em too."

Two tangerines landed on the floor but Jack managed to keep at least one in his hand when he burst out laughing and collapsed on the bed.

"I spent two months practicing with Bobby for his school play, and all you can do is stare at my nuts instead of admiring my unbelievable compentency."

"Oh, I did. I admired your unbelievable...." Ennis let the sentence hang and grabbed what had caught his attention.

215 words
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 04:29:39 pm by Penthesilea »

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #316 on: February 21, 2007, 04:16:59 pm »
Oh Chrissi, that is great. I am laughing out loud here...

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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #317 on: February 21, 2007, 04:27:05 pm »
Oh Chrissi, that is great. I am laughing out loud here...


Thank you.

LOL   That was so great!   So funny and well written.  I can see all their faces as I read this one.   LOL    Great job!


Thank you too.

And another thank you for Marie, who is so indefatigable encouraring us.

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #318 on: February 21, 2007, 04:38:11 pm »
March 15th 2006
For his 62nd birthday Alma Jr and Jenny treated Ennis to a day at the Eastridge Mall in Casper decking him out with new jeans, a couple of western shirts, boot and a stetson. Although Ennis didn't especially like to shop he love being with his'little' girls, ogling over him  as he tried on different outfits, telling him how handsome he looked.

Also in the plans were a matinee showing of 'Brokeback Mountian'. Ennis resisted at first but felt strangely drawn to view the film written by an author he had often heard talk of. Looking up at the screen seated between his daughters he thought, 'How could she know...the tent....the nights on the mountain....shooting of the elk.....the look in their faces when they parted at the end of that summer....that time he waited in the apartment all day long for Jack....the years of meeting in the mountains.....that last time at the lake when jack took him in his arms after they had fought...... how could she know?' As the credit rolled up the screen to the tune of 'He Was a Friend of Mine' Ennis, arm encircling Jr and Jenny, all in tears reflected , joyfull for all the times he did have with Jack, how long it had been since he had seen him but now how soon until they would be once again reunited.

Junior at the wheel of her 2004 Toyota RAV4 making their way across the cold windy plains to Riverton, boxes of Ennis's new finery in the back, Ennis in the passanger seat, Jenny behind her dad., all three enjoying the warmth of the interior  and of each other.

"Daddy.." Junior broke the tranquil silence. "Was that what it was like...between you and your friend Jack?"

Ennis looked down, bit his lip, look out the window.

"I'm sorry daddy...I didn't..."

"It's okay can ask me anything... Was like that...the 'n Jack...only....Only those times we wuz together...up in them mountains....just us....wuz better...lot better..."

"Oh daddy I'm so sorry it didn't... work out didn't get to live with couldn't be together...and he....."

"Now honey...don't want you ta be worrin' none...don't you never be a feelin' sorry fer me ya hear?...Lived ah good ta know the best things there is....Have me two of the best daughters in the world." Ennis smiled.

Jenny leaned forward reached her arms around her father hugging him.

"I love you daddy"

« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 06:44:31 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #319 on: February 21, 2007, 04:51:41 pm »

Movie Night     (339 Words)

Wednesday, July 5, 2006  7:00 p.m.

Quanah, Texas 

“My turn to pick a movie, cowboy.”

“How you figure that?  You picked the last three…and they was ALL bad.” 

“But En, you keep pickin out weird shit.”

“Me???  Let’s do a run down of the last three you picked out.  1) Dude goes apeshit crazy cuz four of his friends send him white feathers…”

“En, you missed the whole point…it was about redemption.”   


2) “Then you made me sit through one big fucked up fairy tale...”

“It had a happy ending.”

“hhhmmm…thought it was rather grim myself.”   

“And 3)…and this one took the cake….and the pie…and all the cookies too.”  Ennis grimaced.   “This guy was supposed to be the world’s greatest lover, but couldn’t even dress himself…and his wig was always crooked.” 

“Part a his appeal,” Jack countered.  “You ‘bout done?”


“You got somethin picked out?”

Ennis reached for his standby.

“NO! No, En!  We aint gonna watch that again.  You just wanna watch that boy’s ass when he’s dancin around with that damn hat hanging off his dick.”

“Best part…” Ennis mumbled, his back to Jack.

Jack ignored Ennis, pulling his choice out of the rack.

“Why you wanna watch this one again, huh?” Ennis sighed.  “The cute one dies.” 

“No he don’t,” Jack leaned his head on Ennis’ back. “The cute one ends up alone in that damn trailer.” 

“He aint the cute one, dumbass.”

“Is to me.”   


“Please, En…this movie haunts me.  These boys are under my skin…”

Ennis sighed. 

Jack knew he’d won yet again, as he turned to hide his grin, but not before Ennis saw it, giving his ass a good smack.

“Least they coulda done was show a better view of the cute one’s ass, when he was washing up the clothes.”

Jack chuckled.

Ennis moved up behind Jack.   

“Gonna hold you real close now while we watch this,” Ennis whispered, wrapping Jack tightly in his arms.  “Aint never gonna let you go…”

“Promise, cowboy?”

“Cross my heart, Rodeo.”   


339 words  (Sorry, I went a little long)   ;) 

"The room stank of semen and smoke and sweat and whiskey, of old carpet and sour hay, saddle leather, shit and cheap soap.  Ennis lay spread-eagled, spent and wet, breathing deep, still half tumescent, Jack blowing forceful cigarette clouds like whale spouts..." – Annie Proulx