Okay, so I am cheating a little bit with a previously written piece, but with the prompt "hands" I couldn't get this out of my mind. This is from
Makin' It Legal which I actually wrote in the Human Interest (MadLori) universe. Jack and Ennis are living in Vermont and decide to get legally married in Massachusetts. If you want to read the whole story, you can find it here:
Judge Miller smiled at both of them. “Many choose, as you have done, to use rings to symbolize their commitment to each other.” Alma stepped forward and handed her father Jack’s ring.
Ennis took the ring and slipped it on Jack’s finger, and as he did so, he said, “Jack, I put this ring on your finger in 1977, and I put it on in 1983, and I’m puttin’ it on again today. And every time I have put this ring on your finger, I have loved you more than I did the time before.”
Alma then handed Jack—her other father—Ennis’s ring. As Jack started to slip it on Ennis’s finger, he began to rub the dented area, where the ring had sat just a few minutes before. “Ennis, I think back to the summer of 1963, and I see your eyes, and I see your heart, and I see your soul. And I see your hands, your big, hard working hands. And Ennis, if I had a ring that summer up on Brokeback, I would have put it on your finger and married you then, because I have always loved you, and I have only loved you. Today, with this ring, I pledge our lifetime of love, from the past, and now, into the future.”
Ennis felt his eyes brimming with tears.
Goddamn, he thought.
If I’d a knowed this whole marriage thing was goin’ t’be this emotional, I ain’t sure I’d of ever brought it up. Judge Miller looked at both men, and waited a minute for them to regain their composure. Then she said, “I, Kathryn Miller, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do now declare you legally married, as husband and husband. You may celebrate your marriage with a kiss.”
Ennis took Jack’s face in his hands and pulled him towards him, while Jack tucked his fingers in Ennis’s belt loops and pulled him even closer. “Jack fuckin’ Twist,” whispered Ennis, as he leaned in close.
“Sonofabitch,” said Jack. And then they kissed.
(346 words)