A late Dec. day dawns on Riverton Wyoming. Alma, Martin, wakes as usual at the early
hour, of 5:30 am. She thinks of the day she has before her. Her sleeping husband lies on the
bed next to her. The fetus in her stomach, is beginning to stir. It seems to need to have nourishment as well. The precurser I guess to the early morning feedings when it finally does arrive. She is nearly ready. She had gotten rid of most of the girls baby things. None of them
would be very nice, for the newborn though. They were a lot of hand me downs from her sister, and other friends and family. The only, new things she had gotten for the two girls, was
the knitted baby blankets, she had made for her tiny babies before they were born.
She had never had the money to buy a lot of beautiful, extras before. This time was
gonna be different. As if by some magic genies ability. She now has a beautiful new bed, with all the fancy bedding and bumpers. Its a lovely shade of green. That way it is ok for boy or girl. Monroe had insisted that
his boy, was gonna have the best. He always insisted. "It was going to be a boy".. But then
don't most men do that? She too seemed to feel it would be a boy, however. She now has
new store bought blankets. sheets, and four dozen diapers. She has gowns, and pajamas of
all colors, and little white t-shirts, that tie on the side. She feels she has an abundance of
beautiful and lovely things. The one thing, she has always dreamed of having though, was a
beautiful carriage. One like you see all those fancy children with nannies, walking them thru a
park, have. The fine hood, to protect the little treasure, and keep it dry in case of a sudden
spurt of rain or a bit of snow. Those babies always seem to have been entirely protected. No
harm, could ever, come to them. That is what she would have, this time. Monroe has said.
His son, will have the best, of everything. They have to go all the way, to Laramie, to get it. There is no place local that even sells them. Yessir, she is in a different world, this time. No
more hand me downs, or make dos for her, or for her babies neither. Its time to get the
food ready, they will be leaving, right after breakfast.
Ennis Del Mar, is on the other side of town, he is looking in the mirror, scrapes his hand across his morning stubble. He wonders, acceptingly how many more shaves he can get
out of this razor before, he has to use a new one.