(I hope all you wonderful drabblers are here today. Here is the next part)The Dinner
(May 1985)
Ennis sat on the chair for a while waiting for the shaking to stop. He tried to breathe deeply, but it didn’t help much. Finally, after a while he got up and began walking over to Tom’s trailer.
It was now a clear night, the clouds had moved on. Ennis stopped and looked at the stars. He did have faith in those stars.
When Ennis got to Tom’s trailer he found the door open. Tom was sitting at his table. The table was set with two bowls and two plates. Tom was sitting there holding the picture of his friend.
He looked up.
“Oh good, you’re here, I had hope that ya would get here real soon.”
Tom got up, took Ennis’s hand and led him to the table. Ennis hoped that Tom couldn’t feel the trembling.
“Nothing fancy” Tom said. “Just some good soup and then ya’ll see.”
Ennis tasted the soup. It was like nothing he had ever tasted before. Full of flavors different from all that he had known.
Tom and Ennis ate in silence. Then Tom brought over two sandwiches that were all brown and melting and dripping.
“This is real good here” was all Ennis could say, but he had never known food could be like this.
After they finished eating, they went outside. Thy sat on the plastic lawn chairs, smoking and drinking beer, but not talking. Ennis found himself unable to keep his eyes off Tom, as he half lay on the plastic lawn chair. His silver hair was glimmering in the moonlight.
Suddenly Tom spoke “I better go clean up and save what’s left. Ya know, I ain’t a churchgoing man but I always try to give something to charity, to make the Lord happy.”
Ennis looked at him puzzled. “Ya think he is, happy….even though….” But the words couldn’t quite come out.
Tom stood up. “Ya know, I think he is, I think God loves us all, don’t ya?”
Ennis shook his head “I don’t know, I don’t think so, I…..”
But he couldn’t say anything else because Tom took his hands and pulled him up from the chair. Tom wrapped his arms around him, bringing Ennis real close against his body. His mouth was on Ennis’s once again, tasting of the soup and the sandwich and the beer. His body was hard and firm.
Ennis tried to pull away. “Not here, people can see us.”
Tom fixed those blue eyes on him. “Ennis Del Mar, the Lord sees us everywhere.”
Then Tom took his hand and led Ennis back inside the trailer.