I have some more

. I don't know where to put this, so i post it here because this thread is about new observations - any of them!

As you might have noticed, I'm currently invested in thinking a lot about the movie's ending (starting from Ennis and Jack's last trip together) because i am currently still reading all 400+ pages of the relative thread over at the Ultimate Brokeback Forum (former Dave Cullen). I've been reading since February and i'm now half-through only!

So, i had another thought on the whole story. As mentioned here some posts back i think the short story is slightly different from the movie in terms of whether or not Ennis and Jack's relationship will ever change. I think the point of the short story is that these two are mightily STUCK. Neither Ennis can overcome his fears of being with Jack (at least more often) while also not being able to stop seeing Jack nor Jack can help it always coming back to Ennis no matter how much it hurts. Annie Proulx put these two characters into a dead end, she does not see any way they could be saved. So - Jack must die (doesn't matter how). On the one hand to break out of this relationship and on the other hand to liberate Ennis from it, too. Therefore, i came to think this is actually - in a weird way - a happy end

(Or maybe this is just me trying hard to convince myself that the end was a happy one, ha!)Now, what the movie does is - it adds some additional scenes and lines of dialogue and sheds a slightly different light on the story, giving it a bit more of a hope. Hope that Ennis and Jack's relationship was actually able to change (Ennis' "can't stand much anymore" + Cassie break-up) and hope that Ennis could change himself (coming to terms with himself and accepting himself fully - as we see him at the very end he looks more at peace with himself).
But I have been thinking about that "being stuck" from the short story. Up to the lake argument we observe that there is no change in their setup. They continue to meet in the middle of nowhere and they continue to avoid any deep conversations about their feelings to each other or about "that thing". This is same in the movie and the short story. Then we have this scene where Ennis gives Jack the news about August. We all noticed how nervous Ennis is - rubbing the truck door handle, biting his nails, hiding under the hat. I would also note his posture (put a picture at the end). Look at him: he makes himself as small as possible, pressing himself against that truck and trying hard to just disappear!
So, i got into thinking. Why is this big, sometimes scary guy acting this way, making himself so small? The obvious answer is because he knows about Jack's reaction, that Jack will be pissed of. But WHY does he know it? If Ennis has the power in their relationship, if he sets the terms, the places and times of their meetings and if Jack is always understanding and never complains - why would Ennis be so afraid of Jack's reaction? I mean to be nervous to this extent? My thought was then that MAYBE this is not their first fight?? That maybe Jack did explode before already? We don't know this, right? Neither the short story nor the movie tell us whether there were any other fights between them. The lake argument is being presented to us as the first one, possibly as the breaking point for their relationship. But what if this was not the first time? Jack says they are having "high-altitude fucks, once or twice a year" - i don't know whether we should take this literally, but if we do this would mean that in some years they meet only ONCE! Wouldn't Jack be upset about this? Did they maybe fight before already? Said painful things to each other in the course of a fight before already? This is how Ennis would know what the news about August would trigger (again).
Do you know what that would mean? That they STILL ended up meeting and loving each other! Ennis could not satisfy Jack, Jack would blow up, they would say painful things, they would torque things back, they would still meet again! They are truly STUCK, no way out, no change! Short story says what they said was no news - can it be it's because they have said it before? Maybe not in this explosive way we see it in the lake scene, since it does affect them both greatly.
Then i think about the movie and Ennis' last sentence "Sorry I can't stand much anymore, Jack...". As you all know this line is not in the story, it's not in the screenplay either and some claim even Heath's lips don't move at that point (i do see it, though), so it was edited/added later on. Why would they do that? Because it is in line with what comes after that - the break-up with Cassie. From this last line Ennis says the movie version of BBM starts, which offers that little chance of a change for them. On the other hand, due to this small word "much" one could also argue that this line means that Ennis just wants to stop their fighting (at that particular moment), that he can't stand to hear or say any of those truths anymore. This would bring us back to the "stuck" situation because Ennis' line does not refer to the status of their relationship, so "nothing resolved".
Hm.. Here, you have it. Some more thoughts from me
