Author Topic: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)  (Read 60788 times)


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #110 on: December 24, 2007, 03:44:16 am »
CHAPTER 10!!!!!


 ;D :D


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #111 on: December 24, 2007, 04:26:39 am »
I know a lot of people are squeeing for this chapter.  But, honestly, I am heartbroken, where is my 'Full Count'?  Kumari hasn't updated it since Aug 2007, I'm afraid she's going to abandon it.  :'(


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #112 on: December 24, 2007, 05:10:13 am »
I know a lot of people are squeeing for this chapter.  But, honestly, I am heartbroken, where is my 'Full Count'?  Kumari hasn't updated it since Aug 2007, I'm afraid she's going to abandon it.  :'(

I'm sorry to hear that, I understand how you feel... if it had been the other way around I would've felt the same... *hug*


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #113 on: December 24, 2007, 06:00:21 am »
I'm sorry to hear that, I understand how you feel... if it had been the other way around I would've felt the same... *hug*

Thanks for your kind words.  I do like Camden Yards very much, but it's Full Count that I love, love very much, that's why it's rather frustrating about the situation.


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #114 on: December 24, 2007, 08:38:06 am »

“Your wife coming home?” Jack asked as quietly as he could under the rule of so much alcohol.

How poignant is that, that he is now referring to Alma as the wife instead of with one of his nicknames or just her name?

Jack got on his knees and turned around on the couch in circles like a dog before settling down with his head in Ennis’s lap

Oh God, I could have never come up with that line, that's just precious! As I said in my comment on Kumari's lj: I nearly choked on my breakfast, the pictures in my head were so vivid. LOL.

Jack is trying so hard with Bobby, but then he gets drunk himself and ends up drunk on Ennis's doorstep. I was really hoping for Jack and Ennis to spend some time together in this chapter and my heart sank when I realised he was still drunk. I don't know, they are exploring, yes, but I really wished they had done some soul searching between the two of them.

I have a sneaking feeling this is not gonna end well. I don't know why, but I really think Ennis is deep in denial, I really think he thinks he will be able to keep this up without having to tear up his family. I read some replies on this story that said Jack and Ennis need to be together because they love each other, but I hardly think it's that simple, it's often that simple in fanfic, but not in this story. Am I making sense? I can think of a hundred ways how they will never have a life together, while in other stories I can.

'Nough rambling....

Offline mariez

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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #115 on: December 24, 2007, 09:49:48 am »
OMG!!!!!!!! .....

I usually check my f-list first, but this morning I didn't ...... off to read!!!!! 
Thanks, Mel!

I know a lot of people are squeeing for this chapter.  But, honestly, I am heartbroken, where is my 'Full Count'?  Kumari hasn't updated it since Aug 2007, I'm afraid she's going to abandon it.  :'(

Awww, I'm sure she hasn't abandoned it, yb!  I understand your disappointment - I love Full Count, too!  I saw that she recently updated her RPS, so that's a good sign that she's busy writing.  Sometimes writers have to write what comes to them naturally and maybe that's why she's not sticking to an "order" in the updates.  I'll bet Full Count will be up soon!  Keep the faith!

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #116 on: December 24, 2007, 11:35:44 am »

How poignant is that, that he is now referring to Alma as the wife instead of with one of his nicknames or just her name?

Yes, that line really sprang out at me, too!  The damage has already been done and there's no going back.  Poignant, indeed.  And, yeah, Jack's little "doggy dance" was priceless!  How does she come up with this stuff? 

..... I read some replies on this story that said Jack and Ennis need to be together because they love each other, but I hardly think it's that simple, it's often that simple in fanfic, but not in this story. Am I making sense? I can think of a hundred ways how they will never have a life together, while in other stories I can.

That's so funny that you said that!  In my reply on her LJ, I told Kumari that she's not writing a "fanfic."  This is altogether something new.  Instead of a "J&E" story, this is an intense, brilliant, in-depth look at families.  Fathers and sons, husbands and wives, daddies and their little girls.  Layers upon layers upon layers.  Complex doesn't begin to describe it. 

I do think Jack made a good start, at least, with how he handled Bobby:

....You could die, and what would I do then? What would I do without you?”

Bobby shrugged and fell back into the chair. “Seems like you’ve been getting along fine without me so far.”

“No,” Jack said shaking his head, “that’s just it, I haven’t. We’re too far apart and look at how we’re both fucking up, see what I mean?”


Oh, God, that poor little boy is just dying for attention, he's been begging for it!  In a strange way, as upset as I was at Jack for going "nuts" as Bobby put it, I think Lureen's indifference to Bobby is more painful to him and more damaging. 

And, yeah, of course Ennis is in denial!  I honestly don't see how he couldn't be. Jack may not be in the same kind of "denial" Ennis is in about his sexuallity or the state of his marriage, but they both have issues they're not ready to tackle yet, evidenced by the fact that Jack felt the need to please Lureen in bed.  Not to mention his father issues...... (and what a painful, but excellent, scene that was!)

I thought this was a particularly insightful line, among dozens of them:

The reality of what was between them didn’t catch fire in Ennis’s mind, but seeped into his consciousness, pervasive and invisible.

They're not not nearly ready for soul-searching yet, I don't think.  But that entire scene between them was structured so perfectly from the moment Ennis pulled Jack inside the house - it's so evident that beyond anything or anyone else, these guys belong to each other.  And it's a beautiful thing to see - but in this situation, it's also a huge problem for a lot of good people. 

What a great Christmas Eve surprise!


The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #117 on: December 24, 2007, 01:48:59 pm »
They're not not nearly ready for soul-searching yet, I don't think.  But that entire scene between them was structured so perfectly from the moment Ennis pulled Jack inside the house - it's so evident that beyond anything or anyone else, these guys belong to each other.  And it's a beautiful thing to see - but in this situation, it's also a huge problem for a lot of good people. 

Exactly! Just imagine that Lureen is your best friend and this is happening to her! People just shucking everything and riding off into the sunset doesn't happen without them leaving behind a huge mess. That's real life. 

Just as they are not ready for soul-searching yet (although I would have loved to have seen some drunken admissions from Jack, LOL, how I love this Jack), I think they are not nearly ready to be together, actually living their lives together, either. Jack deals with this thing inside him and the marriage that is falling apart by retorting to the same behaviour that he doesn't want to see in his son, and Ennis deals with it by denying it in a way, which was apparent in the way he wanted to hold on to the friendship part of the evening (God, that is such a real insight, isn't it? I so CANNOT imagine the situation they are in, but I can totally imagine this feeling, which just shows Kumari's strength).

I don't think Ennis even CONSIDERS a life with Jack, I'm not even sure how he sees this thing between them, and that makes this story so intriguing, you know the things like that he has looked at Jack in a different way than just friends, and that he liked being with Jack more than with Abbey, but other than that, what do we really know about the extent of his feelings for Jack and whether he sees something that is worth giving up his marriage for? He seems to be content with what he has with Alma. He doesn't feel like going back to Abbey because he has Jack now and Jack can give him exactly what neither Alma nor Abbey can give him. But what is going on in Ennis's mind? He doesn't hesitate when Jack makes his move, doesn't think about the damage this will obviously do to them all when it comes out, just seems to have a realisation of what they are doing:

The reality of what was between them didn’t catch fire in Ennis’s mind, but seeped into his consciousness, pervasive and invisible.

Also, I was amazed at his casual and rather crude mumble/remark about Alma's BJ and salad!

God, how I loved their easy banter again, that does show us the extent of their friendship. But will it be enough for a life together? 

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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #118 on: December 24, 2007, 05:41:02 pm »
CHAPTER 10!!!!!


 ;D :D

Ohhh!  Good to know!  Something to look forward to reading when I get back from my holiday visit to my folks. :)

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie


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Re: Camden Yards by debutante9 (Kumari)
« Reply #119 on: December 24, 2007, 06:31:28 pm »
Ohhh!  Good to know!  Something to look forward to reading when I get back from my holiday visit to my folks. :)

Have a great Christmas, Amanda!  :D :-*