I am glad that Paul, listed more than the compensatory 10 titles. I had a hard time going to that figure.
Brokeback Mountain. still my favorite, after 6 years.
Casablanca.... Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart
The Shawshanke Redemption... Too much to even try to tell..
Lord of the Rings, trilogy My favoite sequal type, can't wait for The Hobbit..
Picnic........... Very beautiful Paul Newman
My fair Lady.... My favorite all time musical.
Gone with the wind. Even though it is from way back in my birth year. It still holds up. For those who love it, and those
who haven't seen it before.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,,,,,and The Sting. I consider them one movie, even though they were not considered to be
sequeled. It was made to appease after the horrid end to BCASK.
East of Eden....... James Dean, at his most vulnerable portrayal of a young man, under very difficult circumstance.
Madam X............ Lana Turner's probably best role. As an unwed mother, and the resultant difficulties. I was not her most ardent
fan but she was very good in this one.
The Unforgiven.... I think it is Clint Eastwoods finest work still. A western in the best sense of the term.
High Noon......... It was the film with a still beautiful Gary Cooper, and it was the birth of the genre...simply perfection
The Joker......... Heath's absolutely perfect portrayal of a crazed, maniac on the loose.
Iron Man 1. ...... I found this movie to contain everything possible for its genre. As well as great portrayals by Ribert Downey Jr. Gweneth Paltrow, and Jeff Bridges.
Some like it hot.... It was just a wonderful romp, with an excellent cast. Still holds up wonderfully well. Loved it.
The Apartment.... Jack Lemmon, and Shirley MacClaine at their very beautiful best....
Man With the Golden Arm Frank Sinatra's best job.
From here to Eternity...Very interesting portrayal of a misfit.
Pride and Prejudice. The one with Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFadyen. What a cast, and such a lovely portrayal of the
Bennet family, and friends.
Latter Days.........,. Great, movie, even if it is kind of Brokeback Mountain light.
The Oxbow Incident....Henry Fonda, and a cast of character actors. Highly recommended. For many years, my absolute favorite.
River Runs through it..Beautiful movie directed by Robert Redford, and Starring Brad Pitt...stunning to look at, and wonderful cast.
Wizard of Oz.......... I have to admit, after watching the new reconditioned and extended to all of its parts version. I like this movie
much more than I did before. It is more cohesive, and more informational. I liked it a lot more...Glad they put
it back to the way it was. Before the truncated version was edited down for television, (allowing for
commercials.) That was the only way I ever saw it before. It was charming, but not over the top for me. This
version is well worth watching.
Rosemary's Baby..... i am not a real fan of scary movies. This was a very remarkable one though. I really enjoyed being scared silly.
Mia Farrow was mesmerizing in this movie.
You probably can tell I am very diverse in my tastes... They don't all have to be Shakespeare These are not in any particular order. Except
for the first three. Ii can't do that kind of a list. I highly recommend them all, if you have not seen them.