I have finally thought of a pitch for my story (I know, a bit late...):
Right where you are is an
AU story. It starts right after Jack and Ennis have parted ways in Signal and Ennis comes home to Alma. It then moves along to 1965. Ennis is married to Alma. Ennis can't stop thinking about Jack, and he thinks he will never see him again, but fate has something in store for the both of them.
Where are we now? SPOILERS....
Ennis and Alma have gotten married. Ennis finds a good job at a ranch. Alma has problems getting pregnant. Ennis obviously cannot stop thinking about Jack. Alma and Ennis go to a wedding in Cody and Ennis's world is turned upside-down again when he sees Jack there with his fiance Elly, Alma's cousin. They find some time to talk alone. Turns out Jack never left Lightning Flat, because his father died so he had to stay and manage the 'ranch'. He had to give up on his dream: rodeoing. Ennis and Alma end up visiting Jack and Elly in Lightning Flat a few weeks later. This is where their feelings for each other flare up again and spin out of control.
For those interested, I have just posted chapter 11:
http://rightwhere-u-r.livejournal.com/4710.htmlFeedback is what keeps writers alive!