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[Important Tip!] How To Embed YouTube Videos on BetterMost
Phillip Dampier:
The latest upgrade for this feature has now been installed. Between the youtube command, you now insert the full URL of the video. If you have questions, please let me know.
Just a request for those of us on dialup...if you could give a hint on how long the video is; that would really be helpful. If we know upfront how long the video is we can make the decision if we have time to take a look or bookmark for later!
David In Indy:
--- Quote from: injest on July 11, 2007, 01:31:38 am ---Just a request for those of us on dialup...if you could give a hint on how long the video is; that would really be helpful. If we know upfront how long the video is we can make the decision if we have time to take a look or bookmark for later!
--- End quote ---
You got it Jess! :D
I went back and added the lengths under the several videos I posted in my "Messages From The Heartland" blog.
And Jess has a very good point. For those of us on dial-up, videos more than 2 minutes in length can take a HUGE amount of time to upload. It would be nice if we had an idea of the video length before we try to watch it.
Thanks Jess! :-*
My computer downloads fairly quickly, and I also am glad when the length of the video is indicated. That way I know whether to start watching now or not.
This is a good idea, David. I haven't tried to embed any YouTube in any posts, but I have tried to embed/paste other things, sometimes with no success, and have had to resort to links. Embedding seems like a more elegant solution usually, but it's not always necessarily an advantage over simple linking.
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