Author Topic: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"  (Read 18867 times)

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2007, 11:53:43 pm »
Hi TOoP. You did marvellous work on the other Brokie board - even were kind enough to help me out with a reopost once as I didn't know how to do it.

This is essentially my first visit to this board. It's a bit confusing at the moment but I'm sure I can get the
hang of it. However, my heart is still with the old place, so I hope I can become what somebody has called "bibordial".

You will find a lot of people you recognize from the other board have come here already.  You may feel more at home here than you think!  This board is divided up in a way that IMDB is not, but don't let that intimidate you. 

Littlewing, malina, toycoon, bannerhill (now banner road), shasta, and suziebell are all over here, as well as many of the original brokies who participated in the old threads I've tried to preserve on the other board.  There is also a lot of content here that is not on the other board, so take your time to explore and enjoy what this place offers. 

TOoP / Bruce
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2007, 12:27:36 am »
I like the name, 'True Oracle of Phoenix'. It sounds kinda worldly and wise.
Of course, I like Cowbot-X, too. I'm a fool for hyphens!
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Offline Kelda

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2007, 03:50:40 am »

Although some members are reporting some headway in addressing this problem with admins and letting them know the enormity of the problem, the reality is that addressing it will be a slow process.  SusieBell reports in a thread that she had been in contact with IMDB admins who had succeeded in disabling the accounts of the trolls who are bump-deleting threads, but the attack continues and perhaps the activity is now being carried out under new identities.

God - that brings back memories fighting the fight 15 months ago. You'd have thought the trolls would have got bored by now.. but I guess new ones just appear :(

But for every troll we have ophers who are really interested in BBM.. and thats a good thing!

I also have an account in IMDB but again like amanda use it rarely?

Do you guys know about the saved IMDB threads webpage we have? from about 15 months ago?

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2007, 04:46:57 am »
God - that brings back memories fighting the fight 15 months ago. You'd have thought the trolls would have got bored by now.. but I guess new ones just appear :(

But for every troll we have ophers who are really interested in BBM.. and thats a good thing!

I also have an account in IMDB but again like amanda use it rarely?

Do you guys know about the saved IMDB threads webpage we have? from about 15 months ago?

It sure does bring back memories, Kelda. Who could ever forget that awful Foxinator and Tigernator?  :P

As someone already pointed out, nearly all of us are former IMDb members who eventually grew tired of all the abuse from trolls and the disappointment of watching our threads get hijacked and then disappear. It's nice to have a place like BetterMost where we can all discuss the movie, and other things too, without worrying about those awful, nasty trolls.

I would like to welcome all the IMDb'ers to BetterMost. Most of us have walked on the same path and you all are welcome here. Please PM me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  :)

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Offline Kelda

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2007, 05:04:56 am »
It sure does bring back memories, Kelda. Who could ever forget that awful Foxinator and Tigernator?  :P

gha! yes I remeber them well..bloody trolls.

and sillysnake.

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Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2007, 06:49:59 am »
gha! yes I remeber them well..bloody trolls.

and sillysnake.

Tigernator is back as TigerisJomama and the troll Megajizzer (perhaps formerly TangyVaginaSauces?) is also back.  They are the least of our boards problems...

DannyThomas, thebeej, kaching, Al_Dente   
  by ClancyPantsNasty   3 minutes ago (Thu Apr 26 2007 13:26:54 )   
Ignore this User | Report Abuse   

DannyThomas, thebeej, kaching, Al_Dente

These are all one person and they have been doing a lot of the stealth bumping - a violation of the IMDb Terms of Service. Belindah and RickPacheco were in on it earlier tonight. This is all a part of the Haight_Male group. I will soon post a thread explaining just who this person is and why this person is a Brokie turned bad.

I have been in contact with the IMDb administration about this for about two weeks now. They told me that if we can capture their posts and send the relevant information on to them that they will disable all of the accounts that belong to this one person, ban this person’s IP address from IMDb, and will file a complaint with this person’s internet service provider.

I have now captured over 100 of this person’s violating posts -- 25 tonight alone. I have all of the relevant information. I will send it on to administration. First I am going to post the thread that explains who this person is and then I am going to give him/her a chance to PM me. Otherwise, in about 1 week I am going to send all of the information on. Hopefully his/her internet service provider will also cancel all of his/her accounts and services, but that’s up to them. IMDb has said that internet service providers have been cooperative.

I honestly cannot understand what drives a person to use his/her time to disrupt something just to hurt other people. It is truly pathetic.

I will repost this message as often as I have to as it will more than likely be deleted.


Re: DannyThomas, thebeej, kaching, Al_Dente   
  by ClancyPantsNasty   2 minutes ago (Thu Apr 26 2007 13:28:33 )   
Ignore this User | Report Abuse   
by bad_ass_baybi (Wed Apr 25 2007 07:37:00 )

Well done. And Sandy_Beach as well? This is another 'Post deleted' alias of the same person I think.

by Frank_Z (Wed Apr 25 2007 07:42:28 )

Thank you for this work. I had been away awhile and it was puzzling at first to see all the [post deleted] bumps in rapid succession.

by ClancyPantsNasty (Wed Apr 25 2007 16:30:50 )

Good catch bad_ass_baybi!

There are at least three separate individuals who are currently doing all of the “no name” trollish activities here. The Haight_Male group is one. The PatCro group is another. The third I don’t want to talk about yet. But I will!! And there may be a fourth, but if I am right about the fourth one, it’s too disgusting. I really, really hope I am wrong about the fourth one.

by ClancyPantsNasty (Wed Apr 25 2007 16:32:27 )

It’s interesting that Haight_Male and PatCro are both on the board right now…

… and freeskate and kaching were here within the last hour…

… and the thread’s been deleted… how many times??

by littlewing1957 (Wed Apr 25 2007 10:08:11 )

Wow, Clancy, thanks for taking this on! Good work, as always! 

by ClancyPantsNasty (Wed Apr 25 2007 16:35:39 )

Hi littlewing1957 --

No problem! If they want to play their little game... fine... I’ll play.

If they want to be a$$holes... fine... I can be an a$$hole too -- hell, I invented the word!

They just want to stir up trouble, be rude, and intentionally hurt people. I’m not going to let that go by unnoticed.

All they have to do is stop. I have never started anything with any of them. If they stop, I stop. It’s that simple.

by ClancyPantsNasty (Wed Apr 25 2007 16:37:15 )

It’s interesting that Belindah, DannyThomas, PatCro, Pepe_el_Romano, posterama, and LaPaloma all have been on the board in the last half hour…

… and the thread’s been deleted… how many times??

by ClancyPantsNasty (Wed Apr 25 2007 16:38:50 )

It’s interesting that, DannyThomas, PatCro, thebeej, and LaPaloma all have been on the board in the last hour…

… and the thread’s been deleted… how many times??

What are the odds??

by - ClancyPantsNasty (Thu Apr 26 2007 08:35:21)

This is a special bump for the following usernames:


(and three other names that I've already said I don't want to mention quite yet)

They were all here in a two hour space in the wee hours of this morning, bumping and deleting, bumping and deleting.

the beej decided to leave its evidence this time:

Re: Last Line

by thebeej 4 hours ago (Thu Apr 26 2007 02:59:33 )


And... PatCro and “another name” are here right now. And... my threads are disapparing... hmmm... a connection??

by niptuckonfx (Thu Apr 26 2007 09:31:11 )

lol seems like due to all the deletes this topic
has became yours ClancyPantsNasty ha ha ha just thought
I would post in that way you dont hafta do it all yourself

by PanteraRosa (Thu Apr 26 2007 09:52:50 )

Wow, even my post to you in this thread has been deleted now Clancy.

I wouldn’t have guessed my question: “Are they just trolling or are they zombies on a ‘phishing trip’ or a third option I don’t know about?” would be that threatening to ‘them’.

Keep up the good work ClancyPants!!

by niptuckonfx (Thu Apr 26 2007 09:59:50 )

“Are they just trolling or are they zombies on a ‘phishing trip’ or a third option I don’t know about?”
and that statement is Oscar worthy OMG lol I am really laughing
how a person can say something so funny thats goin down in my book
of “funny sh*t” lol BRAVO! PanteraRos

by Doug-Nasty (Thu Apr 26 2007 10:04:49 )

niptuckonfx: Yeah, it seems some people don’t like it when they are ‘caught- in-the-act’ of trying to cause trouble for others. It appears that they are suffering from an occlusion of the synaptic pathways resulting in any cerebral functions occurring in a somewhat less than efficacious manner.

What a meagre existence. Don’t these people, er, “trolls” have lives?

by garycottle (Thu Apr 26 2007 10:11:31 )

Doug! And you accused me of dropping five dollar words. 

Go on and let them fly. I just love them, and I’ve got my dictionary right here.

by niptuckonfx (Thu Apr 26 2007 10:15:09 )

well I am keeping an eye on this topic
(not getting involved in the feud) because
I just know there will be alot of funny comments
let it all out guys lol ha ha ha =)

by Doug-Nasty (Thu Apr 26 2007 10:21:15 )

Gary: I’m gonna have to find some newer “five dollar” words/expressions, as I’ve used this one quite a few times lately. Hopefully this has helped everyone increase their word-power/vocabulary somewhat. As for the trolls, perhaps they should start at the beginning: “See Dick and Jane”....”See Spot run”.

Of course, in their pitiable state, even this may be far too advanced for them. LOL!

by TrollHammer 45 seconds ago (Thu Apr 26 2007 11:18:45 )

REPOST of my post from last night in case you didn't see it before the thread got deleted...
Re: DannyThomas, thebeej, kaching, Al_Dente
by TrollHammer (Thu Apr 26 2007 00:31:13)

Weirdly, tonight when I went to double check how many threads I had just bumped -- I lose count, and on any given day I don't like to bump too many or too few when I can help it -- my entire TrollHammer profile prior to tonight had been wiped. All my prior posts, I mean. Luckily not my other MonsterSmasher identities, but *piffle*. I wonder if there's some obscure indirect connection with this rash of stealth bumping and/or the steps necessary to combat said rash.

There's a couple of our regular -- non-stealth!! -- bumpers who, if I see they've bumped a thread before, I usually automatically rebump it when I get to it. I've seen clues that they may be doing me the same courtesy, but now all my "TrollHammer has opined, at least one time, that this thread is gooood" are *poof*. Rats! Plus if a thread has an annoying-sounding title but is actually a great thread, seeing 6 TrollHammer bumps (which at every-14-days is like 3-ish months running) is a quick guide that I didn't bump it by accident and don't have to keep eyeing it suspiciously every time I decide if I should bump it. Uh, is?? was! Double rats!!

My Clark-Kent-esque identity likewise hasn't been messed with, bless my lucky stars, but it's not high-activity enough to put itself in anyone's line of fire. (And you know who I am, Clancy, and know I'm not one of the baddies, neither in my Clark-ish form nor my Supes-ish form. Vouch for me if it comes up, 'kay bud?)

Anyhoo... Keep up the good fight against these disruptive jerks. Toodles, bud.


by ClancyPantsNasty (Thu Apr 26 2007 11:25:39 )

Hi TrollHammer --

“My Clark-Kent-esque identity likewise hasn’t been messed with, bless my lucky stars, but it’s not high-activity enough to put itself in anyone’s line of fire. (And you know who I am, Clancy, and know I’m not one of the baddies, neither in my Clark-ish form nor my Supes-ish form. Vouch for me if it comes up, ‘kay bud?)”

Oh, cripes, yes! You are most definitely one of the good ones. A true Brokie. No doubt about it. I value your service here to keep good, old threads alive. And TOoP’s service of reposting old threads. And, there is someone else who has PMed me and wants me to get in on a bigger project of old-thread rescue. It sounds interesting, but I may not have a lot of time starting very soon.

Thanks for all you do TH! (And, no, I hadn’t seen this post of yours. I had to call it an early night last night.)

Unfortunately, Trollhammer's IDs have been also been targetted for attack.  Trollhammer labors hard (and quite ingeniously I might add) night after night along with NP to prevent a large part of the IMDB BbM board from rolling off the back end if not bumped every two weeks.  TH and NP are both "heavy lifters" on TOB, and their contributions to preserving TOB are huge.  I am extremely grateful to the both of them.

The troll groups currently attacking IMDB are as follows:

LaPaloma! 2583365/boards/profile/


monty clift
Theo Robertson

I got this list from TDE who got it from ClancyPants.  Clancy's account was deleted and TDE's account was wiped.  The groups of names on this are probably only three people and they are doing most of the damage currently to the TOB.

Clancy speculated that there was one other troll who was a former IMDBer and BetterMostian. 

Unfortunately, I think he might have been correct...

TOoP / Bruce
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2007, 07:00:30 am »
now was there not a few people looking to get the archived threads webpage back into use - if you want to save threads this might be the way to go for you..

can anyone provide more info?

Tigernator tried to sign up here - he lasted about 15mins before Phillip had him tracked down to college room somewhere in the US and got his IP banded and told the college!

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Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2007, 07:28:14 am »
now was there not a few people looking to get the archived threads webpage back into use - if you want to save threads this might be the way to go for you..

can anyone provide more info?

I had contacted the people who ran that board back in January, but interest seemed somewhat tepid.  It sounded like they had a lot of threads already and maybe didn't have the time to update the site. My impression, although I love that site, is that is was essentially an abandoned project.

My saved files are .webarchive and can be "Folderize"d for Windows users. 

TOoP /  Bruce
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline Kelda

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2007, 08:38:55 am »
I believe there was talk about if there was anyone that could in effect take it over that someone else could put the love into it that andrew could no longer do because of time and technology issues.

EDIT: found the link to the posts!,534.msg156846/topicseen.html#msg156846

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Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: A Message from "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix"
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2007, 09:29:15 am »
I believe there was talk about if there was anyone that could in effect take it over that someone else could put the love into it that andrew could no longer do because of time and technology issues.

EDIT: found the link to the posts!,534.msg156846/topicseen.html#msg156846

Thanks for that link!  I will contact them again and see if there is anything I can do to help with that project.

TOoP / Bruce
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40